StormClan Kennel

Welcome to the Dog-Clan Territories! I update this page (almost) every day! If you are a warrior cats fan, please feel free to check out No-Clan's-Land, NightClan, or StormClan! (don't bother looking at Feudal Japan unless you have watched the japanese anime series 'InuYasha') And the Land of Fiore has dogs dedicated to the cast of the awesome anime series "Fairy Tail" RECENT UPDATES: Oct. 13th, 2016: BearPup of NightClan has become BearPaw! BlackPaw of StormClan has become BlackBird! Oct. 14th, 2016: LaurelPaw of NightClan has become LaurelBerry! HoneyPup of StormClan has become HoneyPaw! Oct. 15th, 2016: BriarPaw of StormClan has become BriarHeart! A stray has joined NightClan and become LilyFur! A stray has joined StormClan and become RussetBerry! A stray has joined StormClan and become MeadowBreeze! A stray has joined NightClan and become LittleMouse! (i cannot believe how many dogs were at the shelter today! T_T) A former lapdog has come into the area. Dante now lives in No-Clan's-Land! A stray has joined StormClan and become SilverLeaf! Oct. 16th, 2016: RedPaw of NightClan has become RedBlaze! Oct. 18th, 2016: BearPaw of NightClan has become BearFur! A former Lapdog has come into the area. Jacinta now lives in No-Clan's-Land! Oct. 20th, 2016: CedarStar has passed away, and BadgerClaw has taken her place as the new leader. GaleStar has passed and BurnLeaf has taken her place as the new leader. HoneyPaw of Stormclan has earned her warrior name HoneyFrost. Dogs from No-Clan's-Land have gone exploring and discovered a new territory. Oct. 22, 2016: The Hunting Area has been found! Oct. 23rd, 2016: Fall FUN has started! BadgerStar looks like a ghost and BlackBird is already the color of a ripe blueberry and WHAT THE HECK?! WHY IS JACINTA FLOATING IN THE AIR?! HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!! Oct. 26th, 2016: BirchPaw of NightClan has become BirchLeaf! TigerPaw of NightClan is now TigerPelt! WindPaw of StormClan is now WindFoot! I've Got Quality Border Collies on I've Got Quality Canadian Eskimo Dogs on

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02:49am on Mar 20

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