rusted angels




foxbase.png Winter.gif 8etnd4x.gif

.breeding plans

Notify user 731660 when 24HH lala pups born!

Graham: Breed with Asora (locked).
Zhitum: Breed with Ale'arda.
Kellora: Breed with Kasin.
Deliss: Breed with Daneh. Or find outside stud.
Burrak: Breed with Fanelyli.
Nyrr: need a female.
Urniss: need a female.
Cidel: Breed with Lyeis.


Main Help Board

General questions answered here!

Step by Step: Level Your Dogs

Making millions

Food, Accessories, Toys, Grooming, Special Items & More!

Genetic Breeding

How do I get a picture in my name? Answered here!

Creating a Basic Kennel Layout

Creating a Basic Kennel Layout (option #2)

.stat reminders

Gives a +1 to +3 Stat Boost. Stat boosted will vary on the cookie. Different cookie types are listed below:

* Cinnamon Sugar - CON
* Chocolate Chip - INT
* Cookies w/Icing - STM
* Cookies w/Sprinkles - AGI
* Peanut Butter - SPD
* Oatmeal Cookies - STR
* Plain Cookies - Random
Layout coded & designed by Sketchy #13135. All tools used to create used with permission.


Hello and welcome to my kennel. ;) I'm pretty lazy with this whole coding thing, so it may be just so so. If that's the case, I'm terribly sorry. Oh, and I've been playing since about Nov. 2003, or so, if anyone is wondering.


I work hard to keep my dogs doing well. Breeding is a serious thing for me. I keep my lines separated, and bring in fresh genes every generation, so inbreeding is out and gone. I breed dogs over level 15 at the very least. My store dogs make it to level 20+ most times, and my own lines are getting up into the 30-40 level area. Whoo, so excited!

Star Dogs

No Further Ado; over level thirty; expert trick dog, CC show level, 912 places
Taboo; level 34, WC show level, 1005 places
Golden Lightning; level 30, NC show level, 842 places


aim/yahoo; sketchymurr


Jinx's Kennel

Boyfriend's Profile

Ricari's Kennel ; Ricari 2 ; Ricari 3

Other Accounts: Lurve - Murr

Game Time

10:22pm on Mar 9

Welcome Guest

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