Mandatory Kennels


Lilypie First Birthday tickers
Hi there! I go by Senko or Ying, feel free to call me either.
I am a stay at home mom of three kids under six. As such, some days are busier than others. If I don't get back to you on something, feel free to poke at me (gently). :)
I don't often sell dogs, but my males are up for stud at level 40 or so (higher with the more popular breeds). Please don't ask to buy my dogs out of the blue. I typically have a preplanned breeding pair, and selling one or the other would mess up my ability to carry on lines.
Any other questions can be sent to my inbox. I don't bite, but I am spacey and distractable. x)
Regards, Senko

Game Time

01:12pm on Feb 15

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