Jazzy Pizza Delivery Doggies

Hellooo hellooooo, I'm Jazzy Pizza Deliverer, and welcome to my kennel!!! I'm currently specializing in Border Collies, Shetland Sheepdogs, and now Finnish Lapphunds and Central Asian Shepherds! Woohoo! I finally got around to specializing in a new breed haha

In real life, I looOOOOve reading, writing, and drawing. And eating. Eating is nice. I have an adorable pit bull/choco lab mix named Boo (nickname for Buddha)!! My favorite books include the Lunar Chronicles, Red Queen, Percy Jackson and the Olympians, The Hunger Games, Warriors, Wings of Fire, Survivors, and Harry Potter. My favorite TV shows are House, Bones, and The Mentalist and if you haven't yet watched them you need to go watch them all right at this moment. I could write a whole book listing all my favorite songs haha but my favorite bands/artists are Marina, Mother Mother, and The Neighbourhood! I really like dark shades of green, blue, and purple, though I'd be happy with pretty much any shade of green! I play softball and soccer (I'm a pitcher in softball and usually play defense, mid, or offense in soccer). Also strawberry milkshakes are 100% the best kind of food there is ;)

Feel free to message me anytime you want--if I need to vaccinate my doggos, if it looks like I haven't seen your breeding request, or if you just want to chat, I'm always there to talk! However, pleeeeease don't nag me about taking care of my dogs or stuff like that because I can't be on aaaallllll the time and I do have other things to do a good portion of the time. Anyway, you can always consider me a friend and I'll always be happy to have a conversation! :)

I think that about wraps it up. Good job reading it all if you did. Hopefully this wasn't too daunting and scary haha

Have an aaawwweeesssooommmeee day!! :)

Game Time

08:19pm on Mar 28

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