BooBooDook's Kennel

*Currently having internet problems, so I've locked my dogs until such time as it can be resolved*

Hello, and thanks for lurking here! I'm sure that you're here because I've bid on one of your dogs, or because you're bored. Either way, welcome!

As it says in my About Me section, I am a 33 year old female, and I absolutely love dogs. I currently have six, three of whom are Chihuahuas, an American Staffordshire Terrier, a Pug, and a Chihuahua-Pug mix, and all are rescues... either from shelters, or straight off of the street. In addition to dogs, I have a Sulcata Tortoise, and a Chilean Rose hair Tarantula.

BooBooDook, in the flesh! Or... fur, rather.

Here are the answers to a few of the questions that I have been asked as pertaining to adoption of dogs:

-What do I intend to use the dogs for?: Well, to be honest, I pretty much just care for them, enter them in contests, and train them. Occasionally I will breed some dogs, but pretty rarely.

-How often are you on?: Every day, for quite a few hours a day. I am a stay-at-home pet parent, so I have plenty of free time, since my dogs are older.

-What age will you retire the dog?: After 101 days.

-Do you lock your dogs if you're going to be away?: Right now, I lock my dogs while I'm here. At this current time, I have a great many dogs and I've hit the level cap too many times. I lock some one day, and then I'll lock others the next so that all of the dogs are getting attention. I am very glad to make use of the locking feature!

-Will you sell this dog in the future?: Nope, they're mine forever. IF, and this is a huge -IF-, I did sell it, I would absolutely make sure that it was well taken care of. However, I do not foresee that happening. I get attached too quickly!

Game Time

07:47pm on Feb 3

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