Square Crane Kennel


About Me

Bold Underlined Italicized Sample Link
Look, words! D: You can type here, I've given you permission. :) Look, words! D: You can type here, I've given you permission. :) Look, words! D: You can type here, I've given you permission. :) Look, words! D: You can type here, I've given you permission. :) Look, words! D: You can type here, I've given you permission. :) Look, words! D: You can type here, I've given you permission. :) Look, words! D: You can type here, I've given you permission. :) Look, words! D: You can type here, I've given you permission. :) Look, words! D: You can type here, I've given you permission. :) Look, words! D: You can type here, I've given you permission. :) Look, words! D: You can type here, I've given you permission. :) Look, words! D: You can type here, I've given you permission. :) Look, words! D: You can type here, I've given you permission. :) Look, words! D: You can type here, I've given you permission. :) Look, words! D: You can type here, I've given you permission. :) Look, words! D: You can type here, I've given you permission. :) Look, words! D: You can type here, I've given you permission. :) Look, words! D: You can type here, I've given you permission. :) Look, words! D:

Training Theory (High Stats)

Schutzhund - Str & Stm |or| Int & Str
(Keep an eye on Schutzhund dogs & compare higher stat advantage)
Tracking - Spd & Stm ?

Keep an eye on:

Jimmy - BM - Changed Int Leash to Str - See If he gets gold
(If No Gold - switch back leash)

Clyde - BM - Changed Int collar for Str & Stm Leash for Int
(No Gold - Switch Leash & Collar Back - Schutzhund Theory Also)

Bonnie - BM - Changed Spd Collar to Stm - See if she gets gold (If Not - Switch Collar Back To Speed)


xXx Producing xXx

Bull Mastiffs
Bull Terriers
American Pit Bull Terriers
American Bulldogs coming soon...

Breeding & Buying

| Breeding Rules & Requirements |
|x| Level 15
|x| Same generation
|x| Full pedigree on both sides
|x| Clean Lines - No inbred lines

* My Dogs are not bred until they reach level 25 *

More coming soon...

* Heads Up *
I will deny breedings & litter reservations to:
1. Dogs that have not met the requirements above
2. Owners whose dogs aren't cared for to their full potential
3. Dogs that are over bred & will result in lower litter quality


Coming Soon...

Look, words! D: You can type here, I've given you permission. :) Look, words! D: You can type here, I've given you permission. :) Look, words! D: You can type here, I've given you permission. :) Look, words! D: You can type here, I've given you permission. :) Look, words! D: You can type here, I've given you permission. :) Look, words! D: You can type here, I've given you permission. :) Look, words! D: You can type here, I've given you permission. :) Look, words! D: You can type here, I've given you permission. :) Look, words! D: You can type here, I've given you permission. :) Look, words! D: You can type here, I've given you permission. :)

Don't Forget

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Waiting On:
Slim Art :: Paid :: Ross (#1285993)
Large Art :: Paid :: Adagio (#814656)
Stone Beanie :: Paid :: WolfieMun (#1228852)
Mal-Shi :: Litter :: 0/10 :: NP :: Mikael (#928343)
Karma x Sloan :: Litter :: Paid :: Dewren (#802331)
(4/6 pups received )

Main Characters

Spring Break!!
Coming Soon....
I gotta find them first, they said something about going to the beach xD

Game Time

08:08pm on Mar 28

Welcome Guest

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