Sydney-The-Kid's Doggie Dog Kennel

Welcome to my kennel! My kennel has one, adorable little Yorkshire Terrier in it so far, her name is Tippi Twinkle Toes (DON'T JUDGE!) and she is my dream dog. I also have 2 Saint Bernards, and their names are Buck and Elleya, (Which is Sweedish for Moose).I also have a German Shepherd by the name of Addyson. If you are to comment, like it says in Musicly, "Say something nice." Also I have a couple of different doggies, but you will have to check out my kennel if you want to see them. I cosider myself a nice owner, who gives my dogs NICE desciptions. Also, I have bee playing this game for a while (I litterally forgot how long ago I started playing), so if you need help, just send me a message, and I will try to answer you in at least a week. I know that I'm not a newbie helper, but I can't stand the thought of being rejected if I DID send in a resume for it or whatever. Also, something else cool about my kennel, is that I have dogs whose name are POP STARS'S names, with some minor tweaks. I hope you enjoyd reading about my kennel. I will end it here now, so you can check out my kennel.

If you are reading this, you should know that I don't play on this account much, so here is the link for My Main Account

Game Time

02:39pm on Mar 21

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