Koneko Kennel

Welcome to my kennel!

I am back!

Ayame (#1393876) is my second account, though it's currently still very small. Eeveeona (#1590405) is my third account and is only just starting out. If you have an account you're looking to sell, preferably for in-game cash, feel free to message me :) This account breeds all the dog breeds that range from Affenpinscher to Japanese Spitz (and will include any breed that gets added between the letters A to J). I am severely trying to get my dogs organized, and it would seem I have wayyyy to many right this second. Dog breeds K-T will be going to my Ayame (#1393876) account. I will be creating a 3rd account for dog breeds U-Z to hold.

My kennels have the following dogs in them (I am still sorting them out): a work in progress.

If you have any puppies and would like to let me look and discuss selling one to me, please don't hesitate to let me know :)

Game Time

05:22pm on Feb 17

Welcome Guest

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