SACBC's Kennel

Never on. Sorry y'all. Find me on Mweor at SACBC and on Tumblr at luvly_lavender
Welcome To My Kennel!
Hi! This is Sydney the Owner of Syd's Collie Breeding! Here are a few things about myself:
  • - I live in the United States! #ProudToBeAnAmerican
  • - I LOVE to read
  • - I have 2 cats and a dog
  • I am 13 and a half female (DON'T FORGET THE HALF!)
  • - As much as I love cats, I always kinda leaned towards dogs, and so when my friend Ellie (Also a player on Furry Paws. You should check out her kennel! Ellie Mae (#1325923) told me there was a game where I could have all the dogs I wanted, even breeds I didn't know existed, I was overjoyed and as soon as my account was activated I started playing and playing and playing, and pretty soon I was hooked on Furry Paws. (I still am!)
Trying to get more Border Collies to keep their numbers up. Any help or donations would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!

Welcome to *my Collie Breeding Company! If you have a collie that you don't want, give him/her to me and I will take care of it! (Don't worry, I give all my dogs a good home!) I am trying to get Bearded Collies and other collies, but at the moment I only bred Border Collies, and strive to have all excellent dogs. Also please check out my "Retired Dogs" section and my "Bred Dogs" section so you can see how many puppies I've bred.

I am on
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday- 5:00- 7:00pm
Wednesday- 3:00-6:00pm
Friday-5:00- 7:30pm
Saturday and Sunday- 10:00-12:30am-ish
These are just estimations :-)
Notable Achievements

100 Border Collies - Reached on 11-2-16

$666,000 earned in winnings on 11-19-16

Level 20- Reached on 11-19-16

First dog to reach level 40 and 41- Kari, Reached on 11-25-16

Second dog to reach level 40 and 41- Rhonda, Reached on 11-30-16

First dog to reach level 42- Rhonda, Reached on 12-1-16

Third dog to reach level 40 and 41-Jessica, Reached on 12-2-16

Get a taste of what it's like to be Elite- Reached on 12-6-16

Fourth dog to reach level 40 and 41- Chuck Norris, Reached on 12-8-16

Fifth dog to reach level 40, and 41 on 12-9-16 and Second dog to reach level 42- Bear Jr., Reached on 12-11-16

Sixth dog to reach level 40 and 41- Grant, Reached on 12-11-16

Second dog to reach level 42- Grant, Reached on 12-14-16

Seventh dog to reach level 40 and 41- Charlie Jr., Reached on 12-12-16

Third dog to reach level 42-Charlie Jr., Reached on 12-16-16

FIRST DOG TO REACH LEVEL 43!-Charlie Jr., Reached on 12-18-16

Second dog to reach level 44-Charlie Jr., Reached on 12-21-16

Second dog to reach level 45!-Charlie Jr., Reached on 1-2-17

Eighth dog to reach level 40 and 41- Addison, Reached on 12-13-16

Fourth dog to reach level 42-Addison, Reached on 12-17-16

Second dog to reach level 43-Addison, Reached on 12-19-16

FIRST DOG TO REACH LEVEL 44!!!!-Addison, Reached on 12-21-16


Ninth dog to reach level 40 and 41-Gary, Reached on 12-14-16

Tenth dog to reach level 40 and 41-Brianna, Reached on 12-15-16

Fifth dog to reach level 42-Brianna, Reached on 12-21-16

Eleventh dog to reach level 40 and 41-Robbie, Reached on 12-15-16

Sixth dog to reach level 42-Robbie, Reached on 12-21-16

Third dog to reach level 43-Robbie, Reached on 12-24-16

Twelfth dog to reach level 40 and 41-Petah, Reached on 12-17-16

Seventh dog to reach level 42-Petah, Reached on 12-23-16

Thirteenth dog to reach level 40 and 41-Grace, Reached on 12-18-16

Fourteenth dog to reach level 40 and 41-Sarah, Reached on 12-18-16

Fifteenth dog to reach level 40 and 41-Winston Jr., Reached on 12-19-16

Sixteenth dog to reach level 40 and 41-Diego, Reached on 12-21-16

Seventeenth dog to reach level 40 and 41-Drake, Reached on 12-21-16

Eighteenth dog to reach level 40 and 41-Lillium, Reached on 12-23-16

Nineteenth dog to reach level 40-Sasha, Reached on 1-6-17

Twentieth dog to reach level 40 and 41-Chelsea, Reached on 4-18-17

150 Border Collies- Reached on 4-20-17

Twenty-first dog to reach level 40 and 41- Erica, Reached on 4-25-17

Twety-second dog to reach level 40 and 41- Emily, Reached on 4-30-17

Seventh dog to reach level 42- Erica, Reached on 5-1-17

Twenty-third dog to reach level 40 and 41- Trixie, Reached on 5-1-17

Fourth dog to reach level 43- Erica, Reached on 5- 2-17

Twenty-fourth dog to reach level 40 and 41- Sofia, Reached on 5-2-17

Twenty-fifth dog to reach level 40 and 41- Haley, Reached on 5-3-17

Twenty-sixth dog to reach level 40 and 41- Luciana, Reached on 5-5-17

Eighth dog to reach level 42- Emily, Reached on 5-6-17

Ninth dog to reach level 42- Sofia, Reached on 5-7-17

Fifth dog to reach level 43- Emily, Reached on 5-10-17

Sixth dog to reach level 43- Sofia, Reached on 5-12-17

Seventh dog to reach level 43- Trixie, Reached on 5-12-17

Tenth dog to reach level 42- Luciana, Reached on 5-13-17

Third dog to reach level 44!- Sofia, Reached on 5-14-17

Eighth dog to reach level 43- Luciana, Reached on 5-15-17

Twenty-sixth dog to reach level 40 and 41- Liv, Reached on 8-30-17 and 10-18-17

Eleventh dog to reach level 42- Liv, Reached on 10-18-17

Twenty-seventh dog to reach level 40 and 41- Charlotte, Reached on 10-18-17 and 10-25-17

Twenty-eighth dog to reach level 40 and 41- Gwenny, Reached on 10-22-17 and 10-25-17

Ninth dog to reach level 43- Liv, Reached on 10-25-17

Fifth dog to reach level 44- Liv, Reached on 11-3-17

Twenty-ninth dog to reach level 40 and 41- Sonja, Reached on 11-6-17 and 11-8-17

Twelveth dog to reach level 42-Sonja, Reached on 11-11-17

I like to brag about my dogs. My smartest dog at the moment has 2310 intelligence points. Yeah, she's wicked smart. She's broken my record! Before Charlie Jr. was the smartest, now it's Sofia!

I've Got Quality Border Collies on I've Got Quality Border Collies on I've Got Quality Border Collies on

* This account was an idea I had. My friend Em was suppose to help with that idea, but didn't. Yeah, whatever. I can take care of 95 dogs by myself. No biggy.

Game Time

08:24pm on Mar 28

Welcome Guest

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