Mount Olympos Kennels

Welcome to the Mount Olympos Kennels!

Elite as of July 21, 2016 thanks to Fantrum (#42119)!

Kennel Prefix
The kennel prefix is M.Ol, which obviously stands for "Mount Olympos". I tend to pronounce it like 'mole' though. I only prefix dogs involved in my breeding projects, whether I'm keeping or selling them.

Ancient Greek Theme?
I'm actually not sure why. I'm not in love with Ancient Greece or anything, although I do tend to enjoy any and all mythologies. I named a few dogs after Greek gods and goddesses... it stuck, and blossomed!

Hermes, the mascot!
I decided that my kennel needed a mascot. Since the kennel is ancient Greece themed, the Greek Harehound seemed a perfect fit. I named the mascot Hermes, since that was the messenger between the human world and that of the gods. Seems fitting of a mascot, who represents the kennel to the public. Hermes isn't really a single dog though, the mascot will be a line of dogs (so that he's not just a locked dog on my account).

My Kennels
My kennels are each themed for simplicity. Don't worry too much about my Oikos kennel, it's mostly home to dogs I consider pets, any experiments I have and possibly overflow dogs from my other kennels. Although, it is home to the kennel mascot. The other kennels are projects, breeding or otherwise...

Project Alpha
My Alpha kennel is dedicated to my Cardigan Welsh Corgi line, with the naming conventions of the Greek gods and goddesses (and demi-gods). It's kind of a whimsical breeding project, where I don't have an end goal in mind per say, I'm just breeding towards certain qualities. It is a completely non-inbred line. Mostly I'm working on health genes, aptitude, boosts, quality and stats, while raising them all as herders. I might also run a bit of a side project where I try to breed one of each colour pattern. I'm not really buying corgis, since I'm doing it all from store dogs, and I'm not really selling any at the moment either.

Project Beta
My Beta kennels are dedicated to my Miniature Pinscher line, with the naming conventions of the Greek titans and titanesses. I'm working towards a 24 HH, large litter, double charisma boost with Musical Freestyle aptitude line. There will be inbreeding in this project, probably a lot of it. I'm not really looking to buy min pins for the project, but I'll likely be selling some further down the line, as well as a lot of start up dogs that don't fit.

Catch & Release
The Catch & Release dogs are my UXP farm. I've decided to give it a subtle secondary reason, to help boost breeds at the same time. I buy cheap, low level dogs of any age and raise them to at least level 10 (collecting the UXP of course) before selling them again (at about $200 per level). I will also register dogs, if I fall short on UXP. Typically I keep the names they come with, or a form of those names, so this project kind of stands outside of the theme.

Drover Powered / Breed Boosters
I wanted to kind of attach myself to a single casso to start off. Since I started off with the CWCs, and I am drawn to a lot of the other breeds, and the herding sport in general, I hovered around the Drover casso. I'm now branching out into other cassos. Depending on contests being held by the cassos, the Drover Powered and Breed Boosters kennels hold my monthly breed boost dogs. I get store dogs, raise them for the month and then sell them off cheap. I just let the random name generator name the dogs, for the most part, so this project also stands outside of the theme.

Agora, The Shop
I am a merchant and my shop is an important part of the game to me. I'm still working out the details, but currently I'm trying to keep a stock of the following... Sturdy toys for $2,500 FPD each, Krong chews for $2,000 FPD each, Basic lacrima filled (colour coded) containers for $5,500 FPD each, Puppy Raising Pamphlets for $1,000, Dog Training Pamphlets for $1,500 and Aptitude Testing Pamphlets for $2,000. I also sell random boosters and such that I end up with from time to time. I'm considering selling durable grooming supplies and black krong chews at some point. I've also been thinking about selling collars, leashes and chews in bulk, through trades, but I would like to get the shop fully functional first.

Level 20 reached as of August 29th, 2016

And now that the kennel stuff is over with...
Who am I?
I'm basically a 5 year old and an 80 year old, fighting for control over a 25 year old, roughly human shaped body that refuses to work the way a body is supposed to. Living in a box, somewhere in Canada, with a laptop attached to my hip. Mostly friendly, fairly sarcastic and usually crazy, but, the good kind of crazy. Probably the good kind.
I've always been in love with the natural world and animals, unfortunately my current living situation doesn't allow for dogs, but I do have an adorable little hamster who tends to be a ball of nerves and a picky eater. He's a little weirdo, but he's my little weirdo and I love him dearly.

How did I pop up in this fuzzy little corner of the internet?
Because I enjoy this story.
So... I was taking a high school biology class online when we started getting into cells and genetics. I vaguely remembered playing this game as a teenager (I think it must have been when it was in Beta), and that there was a simplified, yet semi-complex genetic system based off the real world one. I figured that getting in touch with the game again would be a fun way to really wrap my head around the way genetics work.
It was. But of course, I also rediscovered how much fun the game was, and it quickly became one of my new favourite ways to unwind in my downtime, and manage my anxiety (don't ask how that works, it's a complicated answer). So in short, here I am. :o
My playing style will probably be a little wishy-washy and all over the place. I'm here to have fun. :P I can also be quite the lurking, but I'll post when I have something to say.
Feel free to message me, but no random friend requests please!

Well, that's really all I have to say about anything and everything at the moment. Thanks for stopping by. Also, if you actually read all of that jabber, I'm highly impressed. High fives for you!

Game Time

02:42am on Mar 19

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