Green Meadow Kennel


Welcome to the Green Meadow Kennel! Here i take in rescues and dogs in poor condition and give them a happy home. I am currently breeding border collies.


If you are interested in one of my dogs for sale please message me or place a bid. I dont except bids if you dont take care of your dogs, it ok for one day but being neglected for many days is not ok. Also when you adopt a dog it isnt a one breed and then up for sale you are keeping this dog until their retired. I am happy to give my dogs to kennels that take care of their dogs and are kind.


If you are interested in fostering please message me, any dogs with the letters FOS. in their name are dogs you can foster. While you are fostering there is no breeding this dog and you will be in charge of its food and toys. I will give you $500 to help with the food and toys bills. If you sell or neglect your dog you will not be able to foster again, or buy any of my dogs. When you foster you will be my friend and get on daily and message me how the dog in doing. If you have any problems message me and i will take them back. If anyone offers to buy them while you are fostering message me and give me the dog so they can buy them, if you foster and the dog gets adopted you will get anther $500. Please Foster and thank you!


If you are planning on abandoning or you just dont want a dog message me and i will buy it from you for up to $2000.

Our current Fosters are:

Labrador Kennels(Rescue) Martini Riza Chyna

Game Time

11:36am on Mar 28

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