Rising Star Kennels

Kennel name

I've played off and on since 2015 and have just recently come back from a long hiatus. I started off as a rescue but am now transferring over to the breeding aspect of FP. While this account will be dedicated to my lines, my side account (1275408) will be geared towards taking in unwanted dogs so if you have any dogs you no longer want/need or are looking to clear out your kennels for a new breeding line, don't hesitate to message me. I no longer consider myself a rescue because I don't do kennel checks and once the dog is sold, you are free to do with them as you wish. I call those dogs Rising Stars which is why R*K is the prefix I will be using for those dogs. While the majority of my Rising Star dogs will be on my side account, I will have a few on my main account. The dogs are cared for every day as well as given the best quality food and equipment for their level. In addition, they are trained and competed daily which is why my prices are set in stone. If you see a dog that catches your eye, don't hesitate to ask because you never know. I have many litters for sale, they aren't up for bid due to the time it takes so just ask. Some of the litters are free so I can complete my Progenitor Achievement. I'm also willing to do a bid for a bid but you have to message me so I know.


I create layouts, manipulations, banners, character images, litter posts and comms posts! My work is by donation only. If you would like to see some examples of my work or you are interested in ordering one of the things I listed, message me for the ordering form.


Do not edit any of my graphics. If something needs changed, ask me

If you ever lose your code for your graphic, contact me because I will have it

If you aren't satisfied with your order, I will be happy to do it again

Do not copy or claim as your own

Do not delete the credits


I have six different lines that I'm working on and each line is being trained/showed in a different manner. Due to the fact that my R*K prefix is used for my Rising Star dogs, my other prefix EM*DY (Empyrean Dynasty) will be used for my lines. Since this account started out as a rescue and is already registered, my side account (1275408) is registered as Empyrean Dynasty. I breed for quality and XPM which is why my dogs are bred at 98 & 110. They will not be outcrossed nor inbred to create a challenge for myself. While I establish my lines, I won't be selling any dogs to the public yet. My males will be available for stud from 101-110 with the price varying on quality, level and breed. My bitches will never be up for stud so please don't ask.

Some information about the breeds of Rising Star Kennels. You can find everything ranging from my goals to their training schedule. I hope you enjoy, let me know if you have any questions.



Goal: 24HH strstr strstr lala
Aptitude focus: Pulling
Amount: 22 dogs
Training: Always intense before being entered in 30 shows
Land of Promise
Visions of Valor
The Philosopher
Deafening Battle Cry


Swedish Vallhunds

Goal: 24HH agiagi agiagi lala
Aptitude focus: Agility
Amount: 25 dogs
Training: Depends on the day they have.
Good day- No training and show for 50 competitions
Normal day- Moderate training and show for 40 competitions
Bad day- Intensely trained and show for 30 competitions



Goal: 24HH spdspd spdspd lala
Aptitude focus: Flyball
Amount: 46 dogs
Training: Alternating moderate and intense training before being entered in competitions for the day
Last training: moderate

english toy spaniels

English Toy Spaniels

Goal: 24HH chacha chacha lala
Aptitude focus: Show
Amount: 27 dogs
Training: Intense training and 30 competitions until 100% trained and then only entered in competitions.

german shorthair pointers

German Shorthair Pointers

Goal: 24HH chacha chacha lala
Aptitude focus: Field trials
Amount: 66 dogs
Training: Intense training and 30 competitions. Once at 100% switch to moderate training and 40 competitions.



Goal: 24HH lala stmstm stmstm
Aptitude focus: Schutzhund
Amount: 21 dogs
Training: Always moderate before being entered in 40 shows

jack russell terriers

Jack Russell Terriers

Goal: 24HH lala strstr strstr
Aptitude focus: Earthdog Trails
Amount: TBD
Training: Alternate intense, moderate and no training.


Thai Ridgebacks

Goal: 24HH lala
Aptitude focus: Hunting Trials
Amount: 200?
Training: Moderate training and 40 competitions until 100% trained. Then only shows.


Not sure yet

Goal: n/a
Aptitude focus: n/a
Amount: n/a
Training: n/a

made by Darkcloud | photos free to use

Game Time

05:22am on Mar 20

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