DI Kennels

This is a holding/selling kennel for K*Clay (141550) Please see below for list of info about selling. All dogs stay loocked in this kennel. If you like a puppy/dog and would like me to level it a little for you, please ask. Will need to be pre-paid though before I start the process depending on what all is wanted.

Puppies are sold depending on stats and litter quality. Puppies may or may not be trained in a sport. (*People usually buy these guys if they want to choose everything dealing with the pup*) Prices starting at: 60,000

Young dogs are 12 days old. trained in a sport in which I have chosen that I think is suitable for the puppy. Buying a young dog from me will help you have luck with showing if you stick with it, as well as an awesome dog, close to day one with it. Young dogs will not come with leashes or collars. (*If you want a fantastic dog, and want to be able to start showing it immediately, but want it young, this is the way to go!*) Prices starting at: 70,000

Leveled dogs are sold depending on level, as well as genetic stats. Although not always the case, leveled dogs will usually be sold at either lvl15, or age 30, whichever comes first. Price for dog will include leashes, collars. (*If you want a great leveled dog, one who is closer to breeding stock than the others, this is the way to go.*) Prices starting at:80,000

If interested in another dog from my main breeding/showing/training kennel please contact me at that kennel for any questions you may have. :)

Top dogs from my main kennel!

Highest level:
41 – Resi – Brittney

Most money earned:
Resi – Brittney- $325,713

#1 Large Munsterlanders:
Jager x’s
Saline x’s
Kunst x’s
Munster x’s

#1 other breeds:
Ash – Weimaraner -
Jack – Norwegian Lundehund – 8x’s (will be 18 times)
Sussa – Sussex spaniel ?x’s (will be 15 times)
Griffie – Spinone Italiano ?x’s (will be 1 time)
Tarobi – German wirehared ?x’s
Kinya – Boykin spaniel ?x’s

other high dogs:
2nd in breed – Resi - Brittney
2nd in breed – Tizzie – NSDTR
2nd in breed – Egyptaly – Afghan Hound
2nd in breed – Boigo – Boykin spaniel
3rd in breed – Niraka - NSDTR
4th in breed – Norig – Vizsla

Game Time

04:44am on Mar 20

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