Paws-Fur-Real Kennel

Welcome To: Paws-Fur-Real Kennel! Our misson is to strive forth for sucess. We love ALL of our dogs, even our fostered little furballs. We are aiming to not only raise and train our little friends to be the very best they can be, but we are aiming to be one of the top breeders in our competition. Our Kennel is based on becoming a top competition breeder. With that being said, we are slowly starting out breeding decent stat breeds. We sell all of the puppies we breed, due to over stock. We accept breeding requests from decent stat breeds that are available for breeding. Breeding And Puppy Sale Rules; 1. The required level for us to accept breeding requests is level 2 or higher. (Updated July 30'th, 2016) 2. The required fee for us to accept breeding requests is set at $200 for low leveled, low stat breeds. The required fee for us to accept breeding requests is set at $400 for medium leveled, medium stat breeds. The required fee for us to accept breeding request is $600 for high leveled, high stat breeds. 3. The required reserved fee for ALL leveled/ALL Stat breeds is $200 4. After a puppy purchase, we will ask that we are able to monitor the puppy we had sold to you for at least 30 days. You must be able to prove that you are caring for the puppy or else we WILL report you. 5. Before a breeding request or sale is made, we will look through your kennel and profile to obtain proof of constant care for all dogs in your kennel. Please NOTE we are a rescue, breeding, and training kennel. We are really strict when it comes to the continuous care of ALL dogs. * By purchasing/breeding with us, you are agreeing to the following rules located above. Alongside Breeding, we also foster and adopt breeds. We accept all breeds when we choose to adopt. We want to be able to give our furball friends a forever home! If we choose to adopt or relocate a fostered dog to you of any kind, please be aware there are rules to abide by as well beforehand. Fostering/Selling Fostered Dogs/Adopting Rules; 1. We will adopt ALL breeds from you, although beforehand we will only accept breeds whom you are abandoning, NOT just SELLING. We will ONLY pay a fair fee of 0-1,000$ when adopting your abandoned dog. 2. Once we adopt your dog, we will ask you information regarding the reason why you are abandoning your dog for profile information regarding the relocation od your dogs new home. 3. The adoption fee for a fostered/adopted breed is $250. You must share proof of (Doggy Bowls, Food, Collar, and Leash) beforehand. We WILL not be giving away supplies. 4. Before you are allowed to adopt one of our fosters, you must fill out a short application, which will be recieved and reviewed within a short 2 hours and either accepted or denied based on the answers your provide us with. 5. When you adopt a fostered animal from us, you will be monitored for a 30 day period. If you cannot care for the dog we give you, you will be reported and risk losing all of your kennel animals. * You may breed your new adoption at any time. You MAY NOT sell your adoption until your 30 day monitoring is up. With breeding, and fostering comes training and boarding. We strive to train every breed we have to the fullest extent to let them retire with the satisfaction of being a big competition to his/her following furball friendenemies! If you choose to board with us, please be aware that we will train your fur pal to the best he/she can be. Training and Boarding Rules; 1. The boarding fee is $50 a day, and $350 a 7 day period. You can either pay in advance or during the swapping transaction. 2. Your dog will only be fed food of your choice, and cleaned. other supplies will not be offered, please provide that during the transaction. 3. We have a short supply of kennel room available for boarding. So please make reservations VIA message with the subject listed as following "ATTN; Boarding." The reservation has no fee, so please come as quickly as possible to reserve your spot. 4. We will only hold your dog for so long. The longest boarding is up to two months. We will give you three warnings each within a 48 hour period, if you do not reply and reverse the transaction, we will then place your dog up on our adoption kennel and proceed to find him/her a new home. 5. Before boarding is accepted, you will need to fill out an application and a short questionnaire. The application will be sent to you after you send a message of reservation. This process should take no more than 30 minutes, so please be patient. After your dogs stay, we will ask you that you fill out a short review form rating how satisfied you are with your dog (s) stay. This is for commercial purposes only! We hope we are able to do as our mission allows us. We hope we can provide a caring and nurturing environment for not only our wagging tails, but yours as well. Any questions, you can message me with the caption "ATTN:" included in the subject, and we will respond as quickly as possible. Thank you, Chyna.

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06:46pm on Mar 28

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