------------------------------Long Live the Wyvern King!------------------------------
------------------------------About Me------------------------------
- My name means "star" in Japanese.
- Adult player.
- Introverted, shy, and nervous with people I don't know. I can also be quite direct when I speak. It's hard to control and causes me to take a long time to respond back to people.
- Not good with genetics. I keep bottle-necking myself into certain colors. lol
- Don't like random friend requests or mail.
- Like to draw, write, read, Youtube, horror, and video games.
- Am prone to taking long breaks.
------------------------------Breeding Rules------------------------------
- Do not spam me or I will reject all of them. What is even the purpose of this? I own all the males on one account. I am not going to choose the mate for your female, that's your job. I've got my own dogs to care for.
- I ask you to be patient and not put me into races with other kennels. I keep myself logged in and don't stay on the site outside of caring, but I am here every day when not taking a break. I will try not to leave my males up when I do break.
- I do inbreed.
------------------------------What Do I Breed?------------------------------
- I am a diversifier.
- I like to breed from Gen 1 without help from other kennels.
- I do not breed for color, though I do try to keep certain ones around. Confirmation and stats matter more to me.
- Charisma: Standard Poodles, Gordon Setter
- Highest level retired is a 90 Silken Windhound, JadeW Erase The Past.