Hope for Home Rescue Kennel (and Papillon Haven)


The Rescue (H4HRK):

Our dogs and puppies have hope for home (a forever home) and have a home here until then! Please check out my Rescue center dogs in any of the rescues kennels 1 through 4 to see if you would like to adopt! They are for adoption to a permanent home that will take care of all their needs completely daily (and if ever unable/not wanting to do that they can be sent back or sold back to me first offer if I ask please, or another player after that who will take good care of their needs also.) I do kennel checks to make sure you take care of your dogs. Message me if you have an unwanted dog to give or if you're interested in adopting. Adoption fees will apply in what I consider a fair amount to go to taking care of rescues and based on the dog’s stats, but is negotiable; just talk to me. :) Let me know what you think the dog is worth and what you can afford. We can always work something out! :)

Note: If I have messaged you, a rescue center, for a dog it is for my own pet purposes forever and not to go in my part time rescue with dogs given to me or unwanted (just in case you wonder because I love taking in rescues for myself.) Have fun on FP! :)
Note: If you are a new rescue or a new player message me :) I would love to talk and help you or answer questions in any way I can.

The Non-rescue Breeding Kennels and Papillon Haven:
  Starting "from scratch" with all generation one mostly dogs that are mostly rescues ( a few gen 2 and 3 low stat rescues etc.). This is true to make our own lines of Papillons, German shepards, Dalmations, Alaskan huskies, Basenji’s. and Norwich terriers. The other 3 breeds here: Alaskan Klee Kai, Azawakh Hounds, and Bluetick coonhounds are as close to that as can be also but a few higher generation dogs. Love giving rescues a home and love them and their characters and everything! My favorite dogs are my rescues! And they will be the foundation for my lines which I hope to one day be great! :)
Will be selling/reserving puppies when I feel I have enough for my lines and my puppies are decent so keep checking in with us! :) Will need lots of help with progenitor achievements when I start. My goal is to complete the whole achievement for this! So any and all help would be greatly appreciated!

About Me:
Loves: dogs, pets, animals, rescuing animals, music, books, good t.v. shows, art, doing something difficult perhaps instead of doing something hasty in fear doing the harder and kinder thing, realizing when you’re happy ^_^ I love reading little blurbs about FP dogs on here in their notes section like there are sometimes for rescues. Another goal of mine is to make a website to house my online characters.
Feel free to send me a message to chat if you want to. Love making new friends :)

Game Time

01:14pm on Mar 3

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