Animal Autors that Care

The Plan:
To go into elementary schools (nursing homes, woman/children shelters, and select hospitals with a slightly different and more "showy" approach for entertainment purposes in the future) and teach the students about the importance of spaying/neutering and also why they would be a hero of a special kind to adopt a dog from a shelter. (not to mention keeping it school friendly, and telling kids why it's be a good idea to stay in school, so they can be anything they want to be)

The Idea: 6-8million dogs and cats enter the shelters each year in the USA. 3-4million get put down (60% dogs & 70% cats). My plan is to get the word out about the truth, and tell kids how they can save 2 dogs by adopting (giving an animal a new home, and opening a spot in the shelter for another animal)

By creating a theater set to easily install in an auditorium, I'd like to put on a show through animal acts and stunts to teach kids about the importance of dogs, what all dogs are used for, and what they can do to be involved in dog related activities. I'll get the permits and licencing needed to be able to get this going, and I'll have select kids come onto stage to help with parts of the performances.

I also plan on teaming up with a couple shelters, and have a couple able-to-be-adopted dogs in the shows performing. to show people shelter/rescue dogs are JUST as smart as every other dog, and usually more willing to please.

What's Needed: This will solely be non-profit. There are a ton of people who create performances to make money, I'm doing it for a cause! I will collect donations at certain events and do fundraising, which MOST the money will go to select ASPCA recognized shelters and rescues, the rest will go towards improving and maintenance on the stage set.

*** We've come up with quite a few ideas for the show, and I can pretty much train certain dogs to do just about anything, but we need a NAME to get this going. The name needs to be short, and catchy something that deals with dogs, and if you can add meaning and purpose into it, even better. Think of as many names as you'd like! Obviously, there can only be one winner. By entering this, you give me sole use of the name. I'll also need to check that it hasn't been previously used by another company.

Also looking for a couple sketch ideas of how to make the stage just as functionally able to be used as it is fun and creative! secret crevices to pull props out of, a wall of streamers that a dog can jump through. a tunnel system that goes behind the set and back out... ext. Possibilities are endless!

Will also possibly need a photo-manipulator to help with poster ideas and such when the costuming and photos for the show are taken. let me know if you have a couple examples of those for the future. ***

~ We will have a couple short video clips, so a projection screen will be used.
~ Our narration speaker will be in the front and off to the side majority of the time.
~ Plan on having a "weave and jump" race which the kids will be involved in.
~ and would like a stair (blocks, ladder, ext...) so one of the smaller dogs can "climb to success"

Any other ideas to help this be a great show, also appreciated. Extra love if you're willing to help at no cost! <3

Please take the time to watch my two videos, they’re not, much, but it’s an idea of what I’ve done so far.. The first is a video from about a year and a half ago just a fast, poor quality clip of a couple of her tricks (It really needs to be updated!). The second is one agility trial we competed in. She’s moved up a level since that trial.

Game Time

04:00am on Mar 12

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