Snazzie Kennel

I love aminals. I work at a pet store called Spike's; a Minnesotan retailer. If you live in Minnesota, stop in and you might meet my stinky dog; Willow. I love trail riding too. If you ride/walk your dog/bike at the Crow-Hassan park reserve I might see you there ;) HMU if you want my snap. I post cool stuff on my story with all my aminals lol Willow - Fox red (technically yellow) Labrador Free dog. Somebody at my mom's work had to get rid of her because his wife didn't like dogs lol. She's 8yrs old and is my babbyyy. She's getting grey hairs but she's still just a child in my eyes. STINK 100. Her farts make you cry. She's addicted to cat poop. Also will eat any food in sight. She just doesn't like mushrooms lol. Selena - Guinea pigger. Una Chica. My friend moved in with her boyfriend so had to re-home the piggie. Gave her to me bc I already had/have a guinea pig. Kenny - The OG Guinea pig. Un Chico. Guinea pig I bought with $14 cash. I went punch boxing and decided to walk to the pet store next door. I hadn't been in there for years and didn't know that they even sold live animals. I asked if I could buy the pig with all the money in my wallet (the 14 dollars lol) and she said yes. I bought him with no parent permission. Total rebel. Mother was disappointed but now I have two pigs so there's that. Maggie - My fat lard horse. Red Dun. Supposedly Quarter horse? Not registered. My lover. I wish she had more spice. She's too laid back, but she's taught me so much. My first horse. I bought her and she came with swayback. I hate that. It's hard to find a saddle that fits her nicely. I just want her to be comfortable. I don't like riding her bareback because of the sway. It's uncomfortable for me, which I bet goes for her as well. I just kind of want to retire her because of it; but she's so kind and she does well in the English saddle. But I'ma cowgirl and I love the Western saddles. But I gotta do what works best. She's so fast. The wind in my eyes from her gallop gets me to tear up (not emotionally but because she goes so dayyym fast lol). It's walk, trot, gallop with her. Cameo - Palomino Quarter Horse Not my horse but is at the same property with Maggie. Her owner is my mom's, boyfriend's, sisters. It's a lot I know. But my mom's boyfriend and his sister bought the property with the two horses. Since I was the only one that knew how to ride, I've been teaching her owner. I love cameo. So sweet and has some spice. She'll test you (like trying to head home on the trails lol), but that's nothing I don't have problems with. You just have to simply turn her back around to where you want to go. Boom. Problem solved. It's just a problem for other people that ride her. They sit on her; she protests; and they just sit on correction or guidance. It frustrates me to see Cameo frustrated. I was scared of her when I first met her. Thinking she would hurt me when she would test me; over the year (it's only been one year but we've come so far) I learned she's as gentle as a lil' baby.. besides being 1,500 lbs lol. I love riding her. I'm so blessed to have these horses in my life. If you read this I hope you liked it ;0 Also what does the disgruntles duck do? I'm so confused and I'm too scared to ask anybody oop.

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05:44pm on Mar 9

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