Voodoo Bayou Hextras

Welcome to Voodoo Bayou!
mind the nutria...

News and Updates:
May, 2016


Afghan Hound and Borzoi are both competition only now, having established both sufficient stm stats and points! Some Saluki and Chart Polski are now competition only, but they've both got a bit more work to go. Working on higher HH and locking in points, but stm infusion is going very well! I've also brought some Whippets over and have just bred the first stm litter on those guys, yay! Whippets should be in competition only form right off, with more color variety happening in the next generation 88 and 100 days from now.

I'll be moving the last Polskis and Whippets over and finalizing them before bringing over Greyhound, Italian Greyhound, and Silken Windhound. Check my main account for now if you're looking for those studs.

For anything that you need, or if you would like to check out my competition quality lines of Dutch Shepherd, German Shepherd Dog, Belgian Malinois, Belgian Tervuren, and Belgian Sheepdog please visit Voodoo Bayou

For cheap/gene dog sales you can visit my Project and Storage Kennel The Shadow Fox Storage Box

Briefly, about me:

Busy adult player, mostly disabled. Dog groomer, pet sitter. Owned by an 8 year old Pomeranian, Vitaly, and a 16 year old Cattle Dog Mix, Pif...and a 19 year old Thoroughbred horse, Bo. Also have three Leopard Geckos and some fish. Love canines, felines, equines, muscle cars, coca-cola, swamps, various morbid TV shows, FP, and rock music. Aliases: Shadow Fox, The Shadow Fox, Shady Fox, This Fox is Shady, Shady, S'Fox

Manip Commissions-open

For pricing and further information, please visit Shadow Fox's Characters + Commissions

Game Time

10:38pm on Mar 19

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