Home of The Labs

Welcome to Home of the Labs IMG Footer

Things I'm saving up for and things I want to achieve

[x] 1 Rescue dog sold
[x] 5 Rescue dogs sold
[x] 10 Rescue dogs sold
[x] 25 Rescue dogs sold
[x] 50 Rescue dogs sold
[ ] 100 Rescue dogs sold
[ ] 250 Rescue dogs sold

Sold Dog Count: 80 dogs

[x] 1 item crossed off my Material Wishlist
[ ] 3 items crossed off my Material Wishlist
[ ] 5 items crossed off my Material Wishlist
[ ] All items crossed off my Material Wishlist
[x] 150 candies and all rewards collected (170+/150)
[x] Elite!! (40/40 FPP) Thank you to SHG and DPG!! <3> [ ] All Achievements
~most recent- Bronze Progenitor Medal :AND: Blue Diversifier Ribbon
[ ] Make Stocking Tag
~Display THIS: https://sta.sh/018ig3cudxwh
~Plushie Chili (SUPER high on my list) HUGE Thank You to Fox (#1293119)!! <3> ~Mistletoe
~Golden Heart
~Any type of Duraplush (Bay Horse, Dragon, Bear etc...)
~Patchy Duckling :OR: Fluffy Duckling
Welcome to Home of the Labs!!

Where Quality Labs Call Home...

PaGe UnDeR CoNsTrUcTiOn!!!

Here at Home of The Labs, I breed high-quality Labs, and have many projects with Lab-breeding, as the name might imply. However, my main goal is to take and breed (eventually) every dog breed on FP, especially those less popular breeds. I buy both gendered store-bought dogs or dogs from the sale listings that 1) have non-popular colors 2) are low-leveled or 3) have bad genes. Then, I raise them to level 5 and breed them. I sell those puppies and have the owners promise by the HoTL buying policy (which I don't have yet on my About page but I hopefully will soon). I then monitor those accounts for a specified amount of time to see if they have followed the policy. I have worked with a number of breeds already, most of which can be seen in another box on this page. Once I have sold one puppy, I raise the original pair to level 10 and breed them again, selling the puppy and following the same procedures. I do this twice more, at levels 15 and 20. After that, my pair has served its purpose and is transferred to another account where the dogs are taken care of until 100 days, when they are ceremoniously retired.

Also, I am a Rescue!! (YAY!!) So I take in any unwanted dogs and dogs from the HS (Humane Society) and sell them to FUR-ever homes :) Speaking of which, on my Kennel News/elsewhere on my About page, I use some funky phrases and abbreviations, so below is a Key of sorts:
-HS= Humane Society
-Overflow= TON of dogs in the HS
-Bulk Litter= it's when there are a bunch of dogs of the same breed of one or both genders in the HS, all from one person
-(this is an example) Adalaide 2017: I name my HS Overflows like they name hurricanes: alphabetically named, and the pattern is girl-boy-girl-boy names. Also, I tack on the year at the end for me to know when the Overflow happened and what dogs were involved. This is just a way for me to organize things. ^^ Honestly, if you read to the end of that, O-O much amaze.
PitaPata Dog tickers

Kennel and Rescue News

July 28, 2018: I'm back from hiatus!! Yay...

April 25, 2018: Been a while since an overflow... also been a while since I put something here...

April 8, 2018: Got some pups from a friend who was leaving D:

January 27, 2017: Thank you so much :D to DOBERMANPINSCHERGAL (#1413533) AND SIBERIANHUSKYGAL (#1413534) FOR DONATING FPP AND HELPING ME GET ELITE!!! :D <3> December 24-25, 2017: Merry Christmas FP!! :)

November 7, 2017: Bernard 2017- HS Overflow with Mudis and Izbian Hounds. See my Rescue account for some doggos!!

October 25, 2017: Fox (#1293119) gave me a PLUSHIE CHILI!!! Thanks Fox!! :D

September 25, 2017: Adalaide 2017- HUGE Humane Society Overflow. Multiple Rescues (among other FPians) pitched in to clear the HS ASAP. Shar-Peis, BCs, Poodles, and Alaskan Huskies of both genders were all victims of this horrible event. From my contact with other Rescues who witnessed/helped with this overflow, all dogs have been doing fine, and most have been transferred to and are thriving in wonderful homes. :) To adopt an Adalaide 2017 victim dog (I only have Border Collies and Shar-Peis left now), see my Rescue-Dog-Holding account here!!

September 16, 2017: I became a rescue :D

June 28, 2017 (at 12:59 PM): LEVEL 20 REACHED!!

Feburary 1, 2017: I joined the FP community!!

BREEDS I HAVE WORKED WITH(hint: ctrl+f to find a breed)

~Alaskan Malamutes
~American Eskimo Dogs
~Black and Tan Coonhounds
~Border Collies
~Boykin Spaniels
~Carpathian Shepherds
~German Shepherd Dogs (eternally current)
~Icelandic Sheepdogs
~Labrador Retrievers (eternally current)


~Flat Coated Retrievers
~American Bulldogs
~Bluetick Coonhounds
~Irish Setters
~Korean Jindos
~West Siberian Laika
Dogs of the Week


Hi, I'm Seconds!! I've had a tough life. First, I was in a kennel that constantly kept me locked. Then, I was abandoned in the Human Society. I was rescued but eventually came to Paws of the Forgotten Rescue as a surrender. Will you give me the home I deserve?? (P.S. Click on my name to see my page!!) Thank you to Elise for adopting Seconds!! :)

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Layout artwork and coding by Crestie (#740384) Layout optimized for 1366x768 screens.

Game Time

05:41pm on Mar 3

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