Devils Den

Hey, welcome to Devils Den, where I breed all pure dogs ready for competition, I am a new player so do mind if some of you who played a lot longer than me, please help me out. Little ear scratch about me, I like video games (from PC all the way to Console). All species of animals (My favorite animal is a humpback anglerfish). I used to have a total of more than 12 dogs in my past. (even when I was little). I play basketball. I'm allergic to every plant, also cats and dogs (Sad IKR). I like to draw, sketch, or even doodle. Some dogs will be open for sale. Just ask and you can have them :) I know I am too nice... get over it.... this world needs positivity anyways X) Goals: sell over 100 dogs that are level 7-10, Breed 50 litters, and get sell 20 high leveled dogs. . />

Hello, I'm Hunter, Diabolique's puppy!

Hello, I'm Lovely, Diabolique's puppy!

Hello, I'm Soul, Diabolique's puppy!

Hello, I'm Bandit, Diabolique's ferret!

Hello, I'm Panda, Diabolique's hamster!

Hello, I'm Ahi, Diabolique's old puppy! She misses me very much. To make her happy and To
get a puppy of your own, click here.
Find me on: (Diabolique (#189386)), Dogdayzz,com (Desert Hyena (#69818)) Which Hetalia Character Are You?
Which Hetalia Character Are You?
Hosted By Anime Which Undertale Soul Are You?
Which Undertale Soul Are You?
Hosted By Anime What Anime Flower Symbol Are You?
What Anime Flower Symbol Are You?
Hosted By Anime Yandere, Tsundere or Normal?
Yandere, Tsundere or Normal?
Hosted By Animetitle="Anime">Anime Well I never -3-... What Monster Are You?
What Monster Are You?
Hosted By Anime REALY T^T What Kind Of Fighter Are You?
What Kind Of Fighter Are You?
Hosted By Anime

Game Time

08:21pm on Mar 28

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