Hi my name is Alex I'm 16 years old. I'm a sophomore in high school. My pronouns are He/they. I ask that you please respect that. I play a couple of instruments. I LOVE coffee. I love My Hero Academia! If anyone want to talk to me about their BNHA/MHA Ocs I'll be happy to listen and give what little advice I can. If you want an introduction to my Boku no Hero Academia(My Hero Academia) Oc we can get to know each other. I also need some anime friends on here |l|l
I also base the price of my puppies on their genotype.
poor: $10
fair: $15
good: $32
Excellent: $1,000
I'm Running for president in the Guardian Casso! Go Vote for me!
Some reasons you should vote for me are: Number 1: I would help the dogs with lower number of dogs registered.
Number 2: I'm currently saving up my earnings for prizes the first place prize will most likely be about 100,000 FPD sorry it's low I'm still trying to save up l|l
Thank you for looking about page and reading this craziness.
Come play Wolf play online with me! CLICK HERE!!