Rising Moon Kennels

Welcome to my kennel! Please don't judge me, I recently started! I really really really reallylove dogs. I mean, seriously, if a cat were to come in my room, it would have a heart attack. I love travelling and working with dogs
all over the world! also the enter button is broken so this is all one big paragraph. Sorry!
Now, Boarding. I have a few rules, but feel free to ask me!
1. Please state your price! If you ask me to board because there is something urgent in real life, I will take them free of charge.
2. If you decide to leave fp, or you are gone for a really long time, I will still take care of your dogs until you come back.
3. If you are online and I send you a message regarding me boarding your dogs ANSWER. (please)
erm... not really sure what else to say except that I accept any friend request and I will request a friendship if I like your "pack" or if we have
talked a few times. That's it!
One more thing, If you have problem with me "overbreeding" my dogs, trust me, i know the effect it has, poor Olive has a seizure almost every month! but this is a GAME is it is intended for people to have fun. so... yeah.
Why I hate Summer.
in the day there are wasps, and at night there are horrible, bloodthirsty mosquitoes. Ugh. its just a cycle of wasps and mosquitoes! I like bugs, but I hate these two! oh and the heat, UNBEARABLE
Game Time
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