Flawless Enterprises

Welcome to Flawless Enterprises!

Here at Flawless Enterprises, we strive to breed top quality dogs for the lowest prices on the market. We guarantee to have the lowest prices than all of our competitors in the excellence division. We only sell top quality dogs, and are constantly breeding to keep up with market demands.

In order to keep up with these demands, we are always looking for investors and partners. We have a guaranteed growth for our investors. If the kennel makes money, you make money. When the company loses money, you neither lose or make money. However, with our aggressive selling techniques, its rare that we will be losing money. We are directed at selling a high quantity of well taken care of dogs. We have several dog care takers that aid in the care and showing of our dogs.

Interested in investing? The current rate is $50,000 for 1% of the kennel All investments, banking, and economics are handled by our division, FE Banking. Please PM me if interested in investing.


Welcome to FE Banking!

FE Banking is excited to announce our grand opening! We want to offer you the most effective and quickest savings plans possible. For our grand opening special, we will be offering three savings options with DOUBLED interest if you sign up before June 1st. The double interest will last until the end of the year, where it will return to normal. The two options are listed below:
1. Basic Savings Minimum Balance: $10,000 Interest Rate: 2.5% SPECIAL RATE: 5%

2. Accelerated Savings Minimum Balance: $250,000 Interest Rate: 4.5% SPECIAL RATE: 9% One withdrawal per month Additional Withdrawl Fee: $5,000

Please PM Flawless Enterprises with any inquiries.

Game Time

02:36pm on Mar 1

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