Got Game Kennel

Welcome! This logo is my real Hovawart, Dakota, that somebody edited a picture of her for me. Now because I talk quite a bit, I'm just gonna put the "About me" here. So if you're just here to learn about my kennel, see "About my Kennel". Because it totally wasn't obvious enough.

About me

• I'm a Drug Dog Handler. • I have 5 dogs, a cat, a ferret, and 3 ten gallon fish tanks (for you aquarists out there). • I train service dogs for an organization, as well as other people's dogs when they need assistance. • I'm into drawing, photography, reading. • I play piano and am learning guitar. • I like working out and exercising with my dogs. • I'm in love with alligators, they're my favorite animal aside from dogs. If there was a sim game like this but with alligators, you know I'd be all over it.

Meet the mascot. I got her from the shelter in February 2013 and she's been my ride or die ever since.

About my Kennel

My goal is to provide high quality top notch pups and to make a name for myself on here through careful breeding. My specialty is Hovawarts. These are the breeds I will be focusing on:
• Hovawarts
• Catahoula Leopard Dogs
• Dogo Argentinos
• Beaucerons

My dogs will be bred between 88-105 days. Once I get it all up and running, I'll update with details such as stud services and the likes.

Game Time

05:50pm on Mar 28

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