Baranduin Brewster's Kennel

Welcome to my secondary kennel that contains a random assortment of dogs for Schutzhund eventing purposes. My goal is to breed 24hh dogs who excel in the showing arena.

This kennel will be specializing in the following breeds for Schutzhund Events:

American Pit Bull Terrier, American White Shepherd, Belgian Laekenois, Belgian Malinois, Doberman Pinscher, Dutch Shepherd, German Shepherd Dog and Hovawart, with a smattering of other breeds to add variety.

Some brands being used with my German Shepards:

[ KITT - Panda (or piebald) ] [ kk - Solid Black ] [ dd - Blue ] [ bbdd - Isabella ] [ bb - Chocolate ] [ sp - Irish ]

My Main Kennel is currently holding the following breeds:

Bordor Collie, Gordon Setters, Irish Setters, Redbone Coonhounds, Rough Collie, Shetland Sheepdogs and Xoloitzcuintle. In truth this is the catch all kennel for non Shutzhund breed. It holds many, many more breeds than what is listed.

My Russian Kennel is currently holding the following breeds:

Borzoi, Caucasian Ovtcharka, Samoyed, Siberian Husky and West Siberian Laika. You will find some other breeds here occasionally, so I can finish Achievements.

Game Time

10:06pm on Mar 27

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