Divine Greyhounds

If you would like to see which dogs I am currently willing to sell, please look to the bottom.

I am working towards creating a wonderful collection of excellently bred and trained Greyhounds of a specific set of color types: fawn, chocolate, cream and silver. Optimally, these dogs will also exhibit brindle and/or either Irish or Piebald traits.

Most importantly my focus will be on a line of Greyhounds that are Brindle Silver and White Piebald. That way everyone can tell that such a Greyhound probably came from DGR!

Note: Not displaying these colors doesn't mean they aren't cherished! Although if they don't have any of the desired color traits, they can be bought from me if it would benefit someone else more (such as a newer player) or if there's someone that has simply fallen in love with them.

Each of these Greyhounds is named after a divine figure of some form, though the current names are far from exhaustive. If you search their names, you should be able to find out who the dog is named for!

List of Dogs for sale:

*Note: I am not putting them up for public sale because I want to make sure they'd go to someone that cares about their account and their dogs. If you want to buy them just drop me a message and if your dogs are all cared for I'll let you have them. : ]

Amun Amunet Anhur
Anput Anubis Anuket
Aphrodite Apophis Ares
Artimus Athena Bastet
Bes Demeter Dionysus
Eir Geb Gefjun
Hades Hapi Hathor
Hecate Heket Hel
Hermes Hlin Horus
Iset Janus
Kebechet Lofn Ma'at
Narvi Nekhmet Nemesis
Nepythys Nike Njord
Nut Osiris Percius
Ptah Qetesh Ra
Ran Sekhmet Selket
Sjofn Skadi Sol
Tefnut Thoth Thrud
Tyche Ull Vali
Var Zeus

You can also request pups from my litters. If I haven't picked any, it's just 100 + the current sell to home price (or +500 for E's) but if I have picked 2 already, it's +2000 on normal litters and +3000 on all E's.

Additionally if you want help with HTML, I can do most basic things for you if you'd like. I can try to do more advanced things but I'm still relearning HTML. : ]

Game Time

04:53pm on Mar 11

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