canyonland kennels


I've Got Quality Borzois on I've Got Quality Mudis on I've Got Quality Border Collies on I've Got Quality German Shepherd Dogs on I've Got Quality Belgian Sheepdogs on I've Got Quality Carolina Dogs on

- about me -

hey guys! i was born in india, and I have lived in north carolina my whole life. i am in high school. my birthday is may 31 :)

some other things about me

- i speak tamil fluently, so if there's any of my tamil squad out there, let's have a chat!

- i play the cello, been playing for 7 years

- i love utah! you'll see little bits and pieces of my favorite state around my kennel

- i would like to go to college to be a environmental engineer! hit me up if you have any info about this profession, currently still exploring the field :)

*you can also visit my website to learn more about me and my dog! the chars are no longer updated, see below for those*

- bidding -

* these rules apply only to high HH/line dogs (they will either have my kennel tag, CNYN, or have info about their genome in their name) *

- the price on each dog is a minimum bid, bid higher if you want to have a higher chance of getting the dog. however, you still have a chance of getting the dog if bid the starting price.

- after one day, if no one else has bid higher, i will accept your bid. otherwise, your bid will be canceled and you have another day to put in a higher bid in order to counter the other person's bid.

- i don't do thorough kennel checks, but if your entire kennel is locked/you aren't at least attempting to take care of your dogs, your bid will be rejected. - feel free to shoot me a message if your bid is canceled/rejected, and i will take your comments into consideration! :)

- line info -

mudi - started ?

borzoi - started ?

border collie - started ?

german shepherd - started ?

belgian sheepdog - started july 2021

carolina dog - started august 2021

- achievements -

my first bob! GCP King Normandy

- kennel notes -

FUTURE PHX cutoff - 1.438x

- some amazing people! -


- facts about my dog, teddy -

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click on arabesque above to visit my toyhouse! contains my characters and some info about me :)

Game Time

04:10pm on Mar 3

Welcome Guest

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