Doglover56's Kennel

Welcome To My Kennel!!!
Hi, everyone!!

I am raising Pointers/Setters. Brittanys, Irish Setters, Gordon Setters, Weimaraners, Viszlas, Sphinone Italianos, German Wirehaired Pointers, German Shorthaired Pointers, and more.

Buying Dogs or Puppies

If you are going to buy one of my dogs, I would like these requirements followed please:

1. Take care of the dog, don't just buy it and then not take care of it

2. Continue to compete and train the dog, to get it to the highest level that it can

3. Don't retire it until at least 90 FP days.

4. If you sell it, I don't want it back. Please at least TRY to sell it to a home that will follow these requirements.

Buying Prices

The prices depend on the level of the dog, and the genotype.

Level 1-3 dogs: $1,500 FPD

Level 4-6 dogs: $2,500 FPD

Level 7-10 dogs: $6,500 FPD

Level 11-15 dogs: $10,000 FPD

Level 16-20 dogs: $14,500 FPD

Level 21-25 dogs: $16,000 FPD

Level 26-30 dogs: $20,000 FPD

Level 31-35 dogs: $24,000 FPD

Level 36-40 dogs: $30,000 FPD

Level 41-45 dogs: $38,000 FPD

Levels 46-beyond dogs: Price varies from: $40,000-$100,000 FPD


...None of my female dogs will go up for breeding, just a warning before you ask...

My male dogs will go up for breeding at 25 FP days. Before I allow my male to be bred to your female, I will look over your kennel, make sure you take care of your dogs, and, look at your female's genotype.

Prices are usually about $150-$200 FPD for level 3-10 dogs

Prices are usually about $300-$1000 FPD for level 11-15 dogs

Prices are usually about $1000-$3000 FPD for dogs above level 15

Puppy Buying/Bidding

Like I said in the Breedings, I will check your kennel over and make sure you take care of your dogs before I accept your bid on a puppy.

The puppy's price will vary on its quality and genotype. Higher the quality and better the genotype, the more FPD it will cost.

Quality 10-15 after one day: $50-$100 FPD

Quality 20-30 after one day: $250 FPD

Quality 35-40 after one day: $450 FPD

Quality 41-50 after one day: $500 FPD

Quality 51-60 after one day: $600 FPD

Quality 61-70 after one day: $700 FPD

Quality 71-80 after one day: $1500 FPD

Quality 81-90 after one day: $2000 FPD

Quality 91-100 after one day: $2500 FPD

Quality 101-110 after one day: $3000 FPD

Quality 111-120 after one day: $3500 FPD

Quality 121-beyond after one day: $5000 FPD and up

Game Time

08:19pm on Mar 28

Welcome Guest

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