Halloween Night Golden Rescue

Halloween Nights Golden Rescue 2d6mmvo.jpgThis is a nice place for Goldies to have second chances and be champions! If you would like to adopt one, please message me. Otherwise, I keep them. If you would like to support Happy Tails, please donate. We except anything from money to toys. My sponsors are: *Sakura. I keep a couple dogs which are not rescues at a time for breeding purposes that are not for adoption. The dogs are: *Bella *Molly *Champ Note: If my dogs look not cared for, I haven't been on that day. I'm a running for president in the Retrievers Casso, so please vote for me. If I'm elected, after I get my challenge, you can message me, get a portion of the reward, and prizes! Please vote for me! I've Got Quality Golden Retrievers on Furry-Paws.com Furry-Paws.com: Your virtual dog could be the next champion!

Game Time

08:31pm on Mar 28

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