Damon's Kennel

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Hello, Welcome to My Kennel!

Hello, I'm Damon. I'm an 18 year old college student currently living in Texas. I lived in Michigan for about six years so I have some northern styles of writing. I major in law, and Cecilia (#1422414) is my girlfriend of nine months. We share the kennel prefix DAMkl. Currently I specialise in border collies and german shepherds and have projects started with canadian eskimo dogs, bluetick coonhounds, and american indian dogs. I'm also considering starting my own lines in saluki and corgi, and one border collie line. My main goals are rare coat patterns, such as solids in border collies and irish/piebald german shepherds. For the other breeds, I focus on mutlipliers. Most of my dogs are bred to have boosted stamina, but I do some intelligence and agility boosts as well. If you have any questions about my dogs, feel free to message me!

Some of the breeds I have in mind for future projects are australian shepherds, shetland sheepdogs, caucasian ovtcharkas, akitas, and finish lapphunds. It will probably be some time before I get into these though, as I am a big fan of the border collies with their many coat colours/patterns. If you are looking for a specific colour in them, message me and I could work on getting a puppy of that colour for you.

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neutral evil

Some Rules

I accept random friend requests but please do not message me without purpose. I am not a very talkative person.
If you spam me, I will unfriend you.
I sometimes give out money or items to new players, but I certainly won't if you ask for it. Please don't beg me for anything. I will not give you free/very cheap dogs either.
Typically, if I do not have a dog listed as being for sale, then it is not for sale. However, still feel free to message me with an offer and I may accept.
If I have an item in my shop or the trade centre, then the prices are negotiable. Just message me.
I don't sell my dogs to rescues. They are not neglected.
Questions? Send me a message!.


11/13/17: My Canadian Eskimo Dog Citroen achieved best in breed!

11/10/17: I have returned from my short hiatus and am hosting a writing contest! The winner gets 2FPP and the runner-ups receive prizes as well! Click here to enter. (:

10/21/17: Hosting a Giveaway! I'll be rewarding someone $650,000 on October 31st. Click here to enter!

10/19/17: Bought starter border collies to begin making my own line.

10/06/17: New personal goal: Breed dark red with isabella saddle german shepherd.

10/06/17: Accomplished personal goal: Breed solid blue border collie.

09/18/17: I joined the FP community!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Layout design and coding by Crestie
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05:41am on Mar 24

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