fjh's Kennel

side account for fjh (#1424306) **mini sorta-rescue... feel free to send me and dogs you don't want. Will keep them if they have decent genetics or are a breed i'm interested in, will care for them until they sell otherwise. Notes to self: food: pup:750 reg:350 prem:700 can:900 kr:2529 acc: pl:227 pc:220 nl:693 nc:1125 dl:1696 dc:2279 ll:2276 lc:3004 pl:3833 pc:4527 bed:200 bow:200 grooming: comb:100 slicker:200 bristle:200 demat:200 shampoo:243 sports: earthdog: int hunting trials: int field trials: str musical freestyle: agi scent hurtles: int flyball: agi sleading: spd

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04:47pm on Mar 9

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