Rune's Kennel

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Rune's Kennel

Welcome to my kennel!

For the time being I am trying to establish my first own blood line of my starter breed (Norwegian Lundehund). I haven't decided yet which sport to concentrate on. Well, I have Musical Freestyle in mind but depending of the aptitude of the second generation that might change.
If you are also planning to start a NL Blood Line I'd love to exchange some ideas with each other. Collaborating later on maybe or just keeping in touch with each other.


As I got a few second Gen NLs from other Kennels I might start a second NL line along with my pure (from g1 started) one. The two lines might later on mix, but I intend to always continue a branch of the fully pure one. Therefore, this sub-line is just a secondary project of mine. Should I lack time to organize the whole breeding I might as well just keep these 2nd Gen NLs as Show Dogs. We will see later on.

Other breeds

Also starting to train other breeds show dogs for the achievement.
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Header Type One

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc eu nisl id risus placerat blandit in quis quam. Aenean bibendum lectus quam, dictum pulvinar sem convallis hendrerit. Praesent cursus, elit ut sagittis facilisis, justo massa suscipit nisl, ultrices eleifend mi sapien sit amet nibh. Sed a urna sem. Vestibulum eget felis sapien. Proin blandit sollicitudin sapien quis porta. Nulla facilisi. Nunc eget orci efficitur, auctor justo ac, maximus ex. Aenean tincidunt sapien eget mauris varius accumsan. Sed pellentesque, augue eu lobortis volutpat, tellus magna imperdiet justo, eget commodo dolor felis vitae dolor. Nam mattis erat tincidunt maximus aliquet.

Header Type Two

Curabitur ut lobortis magna. Aliquam erat volutpat. Quisque aliquam auctor facilisis. Etiam eu ante in nibh porttitor sagittis. Vivamus sit amet purus magna. Aliquam sagittis auctor elit, vel posuere ligula lacinia eu. In suscipit nisl pulvinar leo dignissim, eu aliquam quam rutrum.

Header Type Three

Phasellus id elit in libero volutpat semper. Phasellus vehicula et nibh vitae consectetur. Vestibulum sit amet dictum lorem. Maecenas eu lectus nec est luctus semper. Fusce eu tellus sit amet ante pellentesque tempor ut vitae enim. Vestibulum auctor semper neque, a laoreet ex laoreet viverra. Integer lorem libero, scelerisque non egestas sit amet, egestas at leo. Nullam porta efficitur nisl, dictum suscipit neque finibus molestie. Etiam enim enim, scelerisque ut semper quis, posuere eget urna. Vivamus sollicitudin elementum sem, ac vestibulum leo scelerisque aliquam. Proin viverra odio eu tellus ullamcorper, eu pulvinar tortor pharetra. Integer quis tellus sit amet magna ullamcorper tempus. Phasellus pulvinar metus vel diam feugiat, at aliquam augue pulvinar.

Game Time

09:55am on Mar 9

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