DayBreak American Bully Kennels

Welcome to DayBreak Kennels! Here I strive to breed healthy American Bullies. My dogs always are vaccinated and have good+ genes. That's the DayBreak Kennels promise. If you are interested in a dog/puppy please feel free to message me! Puppy prices range from $800-$2,000 depending on color, genes, parent level, and generation. I don't always put my pups up for reserve, but if there is a litter of pups and you see a dog you want (only if I'm not keeping a dog from that litter) then I will most likely say yes. The only thing is KEEP DBK IN THE DOG'S NAME!!!! It represents where the dog was bred, at DayBreak Kennels. Thank you! I will also start breeding Staffies, Pit Bulls, and possibly Border Collies once my kennel starts growing in size. Thank you!

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11:31pm on Jan 4

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