Silver Stars Kennel

heyoi I do not accept random friend request because its not safe online because I had an old account that got hacked sadly I only breed dogs in certain levels like 40 or 45 the males have to be at least be at level 45 and the females have to be at least level 40 and I only breed them with their forever mate I know it sounds romantic and every thing but really it sounds pretty bad if the dad mated more than one female or the mom mated more males than one male... well I hope you guys see what im trying to say here. and you guys can send me message if you want to breed one of my dogs but they have to follow the rules up above. One more thing about dog breeding I transfer my two dogs Aka female and male dogs to ginga silver fang you are probably saying witch one. The one im talking about is the one his status says Lurking. I do not sell dogs but I only sell them if they have a low level but a really high age or if this dog or dog{s} have no hope in life... (sorry for saying that but its true) Ok enough about that lets talk about books shall we! I like horror fiction. I hate non fiction but if its horror non fiction its a different story.... Lol you guys see what I did there :3. I love comics my favorite comic is ginga nargareboshi gin and I like denstue but right now im trying to do orion aka weeds son but yea. I also hate drama...Ok not all drama but I hate highschool drama girl drama and boy drama its stupid. And one more thing if you guys know whats nargareboshi or denstue is send me a message even if you just started reading it or watching it send me a message if you guys want we can talk about the charters and more stuff about ginga denstue and nagareboshi gin. Ok this is going to be the last thing ill be typing I planning to be the best dog trainer if you guys want you can transfer dogs to me but only for training but you guys might wanna wait Intel im level 15.

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06:49pm on Mar 28

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