Loyal Renegades


About the Loyal Renegades

Welcome to my kennel. I am still in the beginning but I am focusing on Pekinese, Chow Chows, Borzois, Afghan Hounds, Salukis and Windhounds mainly. My goal is to breed healthy dogs with 24HH and good quality for Show and Racing. *This page is still being edited*

LoyRG Policy

Color Codes:
To easier classify my dogs, i decided to "color-code" them. I use certain Backgrounds for certain "qualities"

PINK:.......Bitch with 24HH
BLUE:.......Dog with 24HH
ORANGE:..Bitch/Dog below 24HH
GREY:......Bitch/Dog below 24HH, with hh
PURPLE:...Dog with a special meaning for me

If you are interested into buying one of my dogs or using a stud, I usually do not do kennel checks, unless it's about one of my "top dogs". If you cannot take care of my dogs anymore, feel free to message me, I will gladly take them back.

LoyRG Prefix
The LoyRG Prefix will only be applied on dogs with 24HH and generally good stats. However, you might come across a LoyRG dog that doesn't meet these requirements, these are my first dogs I bred and back there I had no idea what I was doing.


Available Studs: ...
DenDen - LoyRG Den

Game Time

02:37am on Mar 25

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