BoPeep's Kennel 1) Female, Natural Mane Average - Healthy ee/aa/TT/MM/CC/AA/nG/nPng/nBl Marked collared greying tundra with accents, pangare and blanket 1) Female, Natural Mane Average - Healthy ee/AA/TT/MM/nC/AA/nG/nL Marked collared greying lilac tawny with accents Physical Traits: Roman Nose Hereditary Traits: Explorer Hardy Impeccable Stamina 2) Female, Natural Mane Average - Healthy ee/AA/Tt/MM/CC/nA/nPng/nD Marked collared dun tawny with accents and pangare SPECIAL TAWNY ________________________________________________________________________ COMPLETED: // dalmatian, border collie, Caucasian ovcharka, central Asian shepherd, German shepherd, boerboel, Rhodesian ridgeback, American Bully, pit bull, Chinook, Greenland dog, bloodhound, Gordon setter, Samoyed, Labrador, beagle, Maltese, Dogo Argentino, Australian Shepherd, kusav, rottweiler, ...// WORKING ON: //English setter, Irish setter, ibizan hound, Lagotto Romagnolo, Icelandic Sheepdog, Pembroke Welsh corgi, Carpathian Shepherd, Tibetan mastiff, Belgian Malinois,...//

Game Time

03:05pm on Feb 19

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