Northern Lights Rescue

Welcome to the Northern Lights Kennel. "From Outcasts to Winners" "Transforming Rescues into Champs People are Proud to Own." /// Northern Lights Kennel is a FP Rescue. We are different from other rescues because we specialize in hound dogs mainly and only take in other breeds and types rarely. Also when we get in well bred, skilled, high level promising dogs those dogs are trained until they are established competing dogs for their new owners. All dogs will be fed and equipped with the best to improve their skills and give them not only the best chance of being adopted but becoming a dog that a FP player is proud to own. /// Another thing is the lower quality dogs that are not in the training program will be retired after a month of being on public sales, if they are not sold. This way unwanted and low quality dogs aren't just hanging around forever taking up space.

Game Time

08:21pm on Mar 28

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