Galaxias Kennels


If the male is locked after your request has been accepted, just message me when you'd like him unlocked. Females must meet the minimum level and not have been bred more than two times. Exceptions may be made if you message me beforehand.


I do kennel checks on potential buyers. I prefer to sell to players who actively show their dogs, take care of them and breed responsibly. I try to price dogs reasonably but am still open to some haggling.

My Breeds

This account is a hodgepodge of versatile, guardian, & spitz breeds and sled dogs.

West Siberian Laikas

The Laikas here are bred with the goal of stamina or strength boosts accompanying field trial and sledding aptitudes. Along the way I will keep the quality as high as possible as my lines become better established. When other breeds of Laika are added I'll breed them as well— one of this kennel's mascots is the friendly but awkward Yakutian Laika character Elliot.

German Shepherds

This breed is highly competitive, so I'm just aiming to breed and show them the best that I can. I also breed for traditional colors (no chocolate, dilute, or white spotting; I prefer sable and saddle to points or solid black).

Scottish Deerhounds

My kennel works to incorporate stock from the remote highlands of lines going back many generations, ensuring the preservation of the breed's original hardiness. Because of this, they excel in sports where endurance is key— frisbee, flyball, & even racing, where they do best in races of longer distances. The long history of their lines also means they have a higher incidence of sable & brindle in fawn, cream, & silver.

Hall of Fame

German Shepherd
Astra Second Flush Darjeeling ("Darnley") - Best of Sport x 7
Astra Gold Tip Assam ("Autumn") - BOB x3
Astra White Hair Silver Needle ("Yin") - Best of Sport x6
Astra Straighten Up and Fly Right ("Captain") - Best of Sport x14

Great Dane
Astra Amazing Adventures of Luna Moth ("Luna") - Best of Sport x3, 3rd Most Accomplished x2
Astra Broadway Is My Beat ("Stella") - Best of Sport x3
Astra Caped Crusader ("Robin") - Best of Sport x8, BOB x8
Astra A Gentleman in Moscow ("Rostov") - Best of Sport x5

Irish Wolfhound
Astra Crunchosoarus Rex ("Roary") - Best of Sport x8, BOB x22

Astra History is Made At Night ("Arty") - BOB x3
Astra Grace Cathedral Hill ("Grace") - BOB x4
Astra Los Angeles I'm Yours ("Angel") - BOB x5 (and my first level 100 dog!)
Astra Walkin' Down The Line ("Hobo") - BOB x6

Azawakh Hound
Astra Omnia Vincit Amor ("Vince") - BOB x9
Astra Give Peace A Chance ("Yoko") - BOB x11

Scottish Deerhound
Astra Ettrick Lady ("Lady") - BOB x10
Astra Sound The Pibroch ("Jamie") - BOB x8
Astra Nut Brown Maiden ("Hazel") - BOB x23

Astra Mabinogion ("Maeve") - BOB x5
Astra Pumpkin Pie ("Pumpkin") - BOB x6

Astra Noir ou Blanc ("Mercy") - BOB x7

Thai Ridgeback
Astra Ocean Blue ("Azure") - Best of Sport x2

Game Time

04:06am on Mar 6

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