Kye Cottage


About Me

HI, I'm Kye. I don't really enjoy talking about myself so I'll make this quick and simple. I live in Australia - I catch crocs for a living and ride to school on an emu. I am a girl, Kye is a character of mine. I'd like to think of myself as friendly, but really random. I guess sometimes I can be a handful because of how random I am. xD OH, and love random messages.. So instead of reading this inbox me!


poeicon.png muffinicon.png kyeiconsadmiral.png kyeiconsstar.png kyeiconsbella.png sheelaicon.png kyeiconstuija.png kyeiconsstella.png kyeiconsglade.png kyeiconsbroken.png kyeiconscharlie.png kyeiconskye.png kyeiconsdaisy.png kyeiconslem.png kyeiconsrex.png kyeiconspoo.png kyeiconsruby.png kyeiconsprongs.png


Can I trade ___ for __ with you?
I'm open for offers I guess. Don't get on your high horse if I reject your offer though.

do you want to be friends?
Friendship should be earned, not given away!

Will you collab with me?
It depends on how busy I am! Message me.

Where else can I find you?
Msn - (Please add your ID and FP name) DA: kyeness

Do you have any pets?
I do indeed! Two beautiful cats named Tilly and Blue, two puppies name Bicky and Muffin and a pretty Rainbow Lorikeet named Loki Why didn't you reply to me?! Argh, I'm super sorry if I didn't reply to you! I hate it myself when people don't reply to me. :( Sometimes I get internet problems where my computer says a message has sent yet it hasn't, other times I honestly do just forget. If I haven't replied within a day just pop me another message. :)


'A friend is the only choice a heart makes.'

Tile, Sula, Artsy, Gracie and of course Vangorm are my absolute best friends online. These guys are always there for me and I adorable them greatly. <3

Sula you seriously are one of the most amazing people ever. Getting a message from you always brightens up my day and you are one of the easiest people to talk to ever! I don't know where I'd be without you. :) You are so incredibly nice and wouldn't say a mean thing about almost anybody.

Tile you're more like a sister to me than anything else. We've been through thick and thin together and have always had each others back. We are so much alike it scares me! We always said we were twins! You seriously are one of the greatest people I've met and I swear my life and my choices would be different without you, ahah! <3

Arsty you are such a beautiful and wonderful person! You've always been somebody I can just message about completely random [grrr] and also been somebody I can be honest and open to. I'm not really sure how we became friends but I'm so glad we did! :D You've been such an awesome friend to me and I adore you and your personality. <3

Gracie one of the sweetest people I've ever met and so mature for your age! You're a beautiful and adorable person with a great sense of humour! We have had some awesome times together and I'm sure we're going to meet up one day! :D

Vangorm Ah, Sophia! We have been through everything together and I've known you the most out of everybody online <3 You are more like a real life friend than an online friend. I mean, we don't even discuss or talk over fp at all anymore! I swear half the reason I passed high school is because of you!I love you so much and I miss our 6 hour long skype sessions c; hehehehe. <3

ALSO, thank you Sula for this adorable layout. <33333

Thank you!!
You're a dork C; --love sula

Game Time

10:36am on Mar 11

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