firedream's Kennel

Hello! I'm firedream.

I rarely breed dogs below level 40, unless they do not get that high or they are store bought dogs that need their genetics assessed to determine if I should keep them in my program. I may also breed under level 40 if I need to accomplish an achievement, but even my achievement dogs are usually bred past that level.

I accept most breeding requests with my studs. I usually put them up for stud around level 30 or 35, depending on the age they are when they reach these levels. Their price increases with their level and age, and are based around market prices. I will NOT accept a breeding with a female with more than 2 breedings unless you message me prior to requesting and we work something out. I also set a level 20 requirement on most of my studs.

If I have a female that you may be interested in breeding your male to, please message me and we can work something out. I most likely will not accept unless you can reserve two pups, and I will take the first or second pick, depending on the deal we work out.

If I reject your breeding request and you're unsure why, just shoot me a message.

I have a number of sales at any time, ranging from project washouts to achievement dogs to puppies that did not sell that are not suitable for my kennel. All prices are negotiable via a private message, just be reasonable in your offers.

If I have a litter that contains a puppy with Fair or Poor health, that puppy will NOT be sold under any circumstances. Its siblings with Good or Excellent health will be, but the Fair/Poor one will go to a pet home. I will not be putting any more Fair or Poor health dogs into the game.

Game Time

08:25pm on Mar 28

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