Venetian Dream

And welcome to my little Kennel called "Venetian Dream"!

Right now I'm still trying to build things up, so I won't have any serious litters during the
next days. I'm gonna wait until the dogs I plan to breed reach lvl 30 ( or preferably higher ) first. :>

I plan to focus my breeding on the following breeds;
Italian Greyhound
Azawakh Hounds
German Shepherd
Spinone Italiano

I don't have any strict rules who I sell to, but I will check your kennel before accepting any bids. I rather not sell to people who breed dogs under lvl 5 and don't show their dogs daily ( except you lock them. ).

I'd absolutely appreciate any help I can get, since I'm a new player.
Friendrequests and PMs are always welcome. :>

I hope you enjoy looking around my kennel!

I've Got Quality Azawakh Hounds on Furry-Paws.comI've Got Quality German Shepherd Dogs on

I've Got Quality Beagles on
I've Got Quality Italian Greyhounds on

Game Time

05:16am on Feb 21

Welcome Guest

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