Erin's Home for Dogs

I absolutely WILL NOT do business with you if you don't care for your dogs. I don't care if they're not real. It is the thought that counts. However, if you care for your dogs, I will gladly do business with you. NEVER abandon your dogs. I found my first Japanese Spitz, Sophie, abandoned. Shame on whoever abandoned her. If you want to abandon a dog, sell her to me. If you have already abandoned a dog, re-adopt her and sell her to me. I have already adopted two dogs who were abandoned. Their names are Holly and Bobbie. Bobbie is an Akita, and Holly is a Japanese Spitz. I will take any breed of dog. Be merciful to the dog and let me have it instead of abandoning it. Allow me to give it the life it deserves. Maybe if you sell me a dog that you don't want, I will be happy and change my status. Sincerely, Erin P.S. I don't mean to be rude and please don't take any of this personally.

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06:46pm on Mar 28

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