Mystic Lunar Guardians Kennels

Welcome to my Kennel!

(Please forgive the messy looking description I have no idea how to make it look as nice as others though I wish I did.)

Here I will breed and train many breeds though you may see more large breeds than smaller breeds most of the time.  

These dogs will compete in different Competitions not one specific competition, Though that being said they will mostly compete in Schutzhund, Herding, Tracking and Hunting and Sledding.  

I am a bit picky when It comes to breeding my females to males that are not mine But You can always ask if you are interested in breeding one of you'r males to my female I may just say ok long as both dogs are at least level 20 and have decent HH's.

I try not to breed my dogs when they are low levels unless they are experiment dogs or they are about to be to old to breed and I want to carry their bloodline. Dogs I would like to have, train and breed on here (I may have some already but still would like more or so): Standard Poodle, Saint Bernard, German Shepherds, Akita, Dalmatians, Any kind of hound really. I will not Auction off or sell any pups before they are level 5-10 or above as they will then be registered and they will have my Prefix on them, the same goes for those I rescue whether they are from the FPHS or the sales listing. I may keep some of the rescues that I fall in love with xD and I'll sometimes (When I have the room and all for a rescue and didn't get one form the FPHS or Sales) I'll go to a rescue page and try to adopt the one who has been there the longest or whoever the oldest dog is or just someone I find that has potential.

Feel free to every pm me if you just wanna chat, have questions about my kennel or my dogs!

Game Time

05:25pm on Mar 2

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