Silverbrook Moutain Kennels

Welcome to Silverbrook
Here, I focus on breeding quality Australian Shepherds. They will always be available, as it's my favorite real-life breed! As I’m always looking to increase my FP reputation, I’m currently chasing down all the Diversifier achievements. Therefore I’ve got a Projects kennel where all of those dogs will go.

The gene I’m looking for in Aussies is mainly “yy”, which will make the eyes blue. I’m working towards getting a blue-eyed isabella Aussie. If you have any you wish to sell, please send me a PM and I’m sure we can work out a reasonable price.

I’ve recently opened a Finnish Lapphund project that will be focusing mainly on color. I love the cream with blue eyes, so I’m working towards that. If you have any you wish to sell, once again I’m open to buy them.

For more information on our kennel, please see Silverbrook Mountain Kennels Breed Information c:
We also offer our Puppy Care Package to anyone who reserves a pup from a litter. Please see SBM Kennels: Puppy Care Package for more information!
I set dog names like this:

RegisteredName.#ofHH/litter size (LL, lala, etc)/#of times bred (Hips, Elbows, Eyes, Ears)(Multiplier)[CoatColor]
Breeding Priorities
I focus on all things, but my priorities are as follows, in order of importance.
1) HH
2) High stats
3) Color

I will usually keep at least one pup per litter, but if not the highest HH pup will be up for reservation using my sales policy (see below).

All dogs won't be bred until they're at least level 5. If they are bred before reaching that level, their pups will be cared for but they'll be sold to a pet home UNLESS someone contacts me about reserving one. The litters that are going to be sold to a pet home are marked "CFR", meaning "Contact For Reservation." The prices each of the pups are in their notes, but they ARE negotiable. Pups in CFR litters are priced only by their HH. I'm sure we can work out a reasonable price :)

Current CFR Litters

Sales Policy
I set up a dog's sale price using the system below.

$5,000 foundation price (all dogs start here)
+$1k for each level after 5 (a dog at level 26 would be an extra 11k)
+$2k per E rating (hips, eyes, etc.)
+$500 per HH rating (a perfect dog would be an extra 12k)
+$2k when lala gene is present (it gives the largest amount of litters)
+$5k for a puppy (puppies can't level so this is a way to earn a profit; puppies are also more valuable)
-$1k per breeding (breeding reduces the value of a dog; this can help prevent overbreeding in my kennel)

My dogs will never be over $100k, I promise!
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Game Time

11:33am on Mar 28

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