Misfit Kennels

Welcome to Misfit Kennels! I have future plans to have a foster kennel and a boarding kennel. The foster kennel will be for rescue dogs or for people who are quitting, so their dogs can have a new home. The boarding kennel is for the dogs whose owners are on vacation or won’t be finding time to play the game for a bit, where their dogs can be looked after for the time they are gone. Prices for boarding and fostering are $100 per day.• Royal Chihuahua Kennel Family: Kennel Queen: Queen Cleo • Kennel King: King Guacamole • Kennel Prince: Prince Que Pasa • Kennel Princess: ~~~ •••••• The Royal Chihuahua Family Starts with Queen Cleo who married King Guacamole then had Prince Que Pasa. The Royal Chihuahua Family is first class.

Game Time

11:29am on Mar 21

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