Lunar Knight Kennel

Primarily, in this game, I breed Bull Terriers, Cane Corsos and on the side whatever catches my eye at that moment.
I'm not doing this super seriously, meaning that my goal isn't to be #1.
I have been here since 2018.
I learn as I go and ask if I can't figure things out.
Some of the 'newer' breeds I want to try out usually come from HS. That way I can be sure I truly am interested in certain breeds in a way that isn't way too costly. From there on I'll improve the stats, ranking, genetics and so on.
My prefix (LKNK) only goes to the dogs I've bred.
Since my time zone is 7 hours ahead of FP time, it means that there is a time range for when I am here (might change an hour or so depending on the situation). I'm not able to always go with the FP time since I have other stuff to do in my life. Anyone who understands, thank you.
I'll get to messages, requests and offers as soon as possible. Rushing me won't change anything.
I am a fairly patient person, however I do not appreciate any kind of continuous begging, insults/aggression, or ignorance.
I speak Finnish and English.
I do buy FPP. I'll pay 1,000,000 FPD per FPP.

Policies (may change over time):

  • Younger dogs are always private sales (even if the starting price is 0 FPD does not mean it's free. Consider before bidding). Nearly retired/older dogs can go on public sales but are higher in price. Generally I don't sell to rescues, due to the dogs not needing to be rescued. All dogs that I am selling are in 'For Sale' kennel. Keep in mind that I am most likely to sell a private sales dog for someone who actively continues to train and show said dog rather than for an inactive and/or breed collecting player. I also prefer to sell dogs to someone who breeds dogs that have a higher level (preferably at least over 35). Please do not prefix dogs that I have bred and sold at a later age.
  • I occasionally check up on the dogs I've sold. I do this because I try to improve every generations genetics, skills and so on. You don't have to take care of the dogs you've bought from me, but in that case I won't be selling any of my dogs to you again since it does take effort, time, and resources to keep the 'good' lines going.
  • All puppies that are for sale will have my prefix attached and none of them are free even if the reservation price is 0 FPD. I preserve the right to cancel any bid for my litters if I see fit.
  • Males are available for breeding publicly when they reach lvl 40. If you take care of your dogs, don't overbreed the females (meaning this has to be either your females first, second or third breeding) and have a female at least lvl 40, you're all set (same 'conditions' applies to selling my dogs minus the level requirement). Pricing for the breeding is between 50,000-100,000 FPD. 'Unclaimed' accepted breeding requests are going to be cancelled within two weeks of acceptance. In the case of male being locked and/or over 105 days old, message me to unlock him. Please include the day you will be able to complete the breeding in the message. You will need to be able to complete the breeding that day.
  • My females do offer breedings once at the ages of 92-98. Price for the breeding is either 1 FPP or 3,000,000-5,000,000 FPD. Some are listed publicly. Requirements are essentially the same as for males, however, the lvl requirement is at least 60 and studding amounts do not count. PM me if you are interested in a certain female at least a day before she turns 98. If she is not bred by 5pm on the day she is 98, I will cancel the request. Please include the name of the dog in the message, no link needed. Like I have mentioned in my page, I am 7 hrs ahead of FP time, so plan accordingly since I do not lock dogs unless necessary.
  • I try to avoid inbreeding so my males and females do not breed together (unless for my own purposes and when not mentioned in the same line: parents and their parents). If it happens, it happens. Most likely scenario for it is, for example, not fiding any affordable and 'good' male or not finding one at all (not breeding offers and so on).
  • All dogs, that are not for sale, at the age of 100 go to the 'Almost retired' kennel. If you see a dog there that you take interest in, you can message me the name of the dog and an offer if the dog in question is not for sale.
  • None of my dogs are locked unless I can't take care of them (e.g vacation) or when they are used for breeding purposes (100+).
  • Dog prices start from 40,000 FPD. Prices change according to the experience, skills, genetics and so on (for example dogs with a multiplier of 1.100x or less are lower in price). If a certain dog you are interested in isn't on sale, you can ask me about the possibility of selling it to you. FPP payment is possible but not mandatory. All dogs that are for sale always have both options (FPD&FPP). I preserve the right to take any of my dogs away from the sales kennel for my own purposes.
  • If you have any dogs that have been bred by me that you do not want anymore, I could buy them back from you. I am willing to pay 30 times the highest stat without any equipment bonus (example: equipped with a lvl 50 collar the highest stat is 3,000. I would pay 30 times 2,500).
  • I do not participate in bid for bid deals

I've Got Quality Bull Terriers on I've Got Quality Cane Corsos on I've Got Quality Vizslas on

Best Of Breed:

  • American Staffordshire Terrier (3): 17x
  • Basset Hound (4): 44x
  • Bedlington Terrier (1): 3x
  • Belgian Malinois (2): 23x
  • Belgian Tervuren (2): 14x
  • Bouvier des Flandres (1): 2x
  • Borzoi (1): 9x
  • Bulldog (6): 44x
  • Bull Terrier (15): 72x
  • Cane Corso (14): 94x
  • Chinese Crested (3): 21x
  • Czechoslovakian Wolfdog (4): 22x
  • Dalmatian (1): 1x
  • Dandie Dinmont Terrier (3): 22x
  • Dogo Argentino (4): 20x
  • Giant Schnauzer (1): 7x
  • Hovawart (3): 26x
  • Kooikerhondje (1): 2x
  • Miniature Bull Terrier (3): 20x
  • Pug (2): 24x
  • Russell Terrier (1): 12x
  • Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier (1): 12x
  • Vizsla (12): 82x

Best Of Sport:

  • Musical Freestyle:
  • Bull Terrier:: 1x

Game Time

08:14pm on Mar 28

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