Delaney's Drovers
- AKC Breed of the Day:
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Application Forms
All Applications are listed below. If you have any questions remember to email me at
All About The Shetland Sheepdog
The Shetland Sheepdog is a small, active, and agile herding dog standing between 13 and 16 inches at the shoulder. The long coat is harsh and straight, with a dense undercoat, and comes in black, blue merle, and sable, with white markings. The coat, along with a long, wedge-shaped head; small, three-quarter erect ears; and deep-chested, level-backed torso, give Shelties the look of a rough-coated Collie in miniature.
Bright and eager Shelties are easy trainers and world-class competitors in obedience, agility, and herding trials. They are sensitive and affectionate family dogs, highly in tune with the mood of the household. They like to bark and tend to be reserved toward strangers—two qualifications of an excellent watchdog.
All About The Rough Collie
The Collie is a large but lithe herder standing anywhere from 22 to 26 inches tall. The rough variety boasts one of the canine kingdom’s most impressively showy coats; the smooth coat’s charms are subtler but no less satisfying. Coat colors in both varieties are sable and white, tricolor, blue merle, or white. Collie fanciers take pride in their breed’s elegant wedge-shaped head, whose mobile ears and almond eyes convey a wide variety of expressions.
Collies are famously fond of children and make wonderful family pets. These swift, athletic dogs thrive on companionship and regular exercise. With gentle training, they learn happily and rapidly. The Collie’s loyalty, intelligence, and sterling character are the stuff of legend.
Calendars of 2018
Holidays of Delaney's Drovers
Month |
Date & Event |
June |
1st |
Start of Breeding Season |
June |
30th |
End of Breeding Season |
July |
1st |
Start of Puppy Adoptions |
July |
31st |
Puppy Season Ends |
Holidays of U.K
Month |
Date & Event |
January |
1st |
New Years |
April |
19th |
Good Friday |
April |
22nd |
Easter Monday |
May |
6th |
Early May Bank Holiday |
May |
27th |
Spring Bank Holiday |
August |
26th |
Summer Bank Holiday |
December |
25th |
Christmas Day |
December |
26th |
Boxing Day |
American Kennel Club
American Shetland Sheepdog Association ~
Collie Club of America
Game Time
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