Mali's K9 Police Dogs


Welcome! This kennel is currently getting an entire re working But I will gladly explain the purpose of this kennel! We aim to produce high-quality dogs that have the potential to join the police force! Dogs produced here will be raised in this kennel and after a hard day of work are brought back, fed, cleaned, and given a comfortable place to rest, those that are too old and retire remain within our kennel and they stay until they are adopted. We Strive to make their lives as comfortable as possible, from the very beginning of our dogs lives to the very End. Dogs who are sold are considered that they've been taken into the police force, They will remain with their new owners until they retire!

The current Dogs I will be breeding are as Follows;

•German Shepherds

•Doberman Pinchers

•Dogo Argentinos

•American Pit Bull Terriers

•Belgian Sheepdogs

•Dutch Shepherds

And more to come!

Personalitys We hope to produce;





What It all means;

Each Dog Kennel is marked with either of these marks; (A) (D) & (S&R) Each means what these dog breeds will specialize in, (A) Means This dog breed will focus on Apprehension, This means their job is to focus on capturing an opponent and holding them down until their handler comes to them. They will be trained in Schutzhund and after Being skilled in it, they will be trained in Obedience, or reversed where they learn Obedience first then Schutzhund.

(D) Means Detection, These dogs have the Job of sniffing out various things, Thus they are trained in Tracking and Obedience.

(S&R) Is for Seach and Rescue, These dogs are trained in various things, Becouse each Environment is different depending on the rescue, These dogs are trained in various sports such as; Water Work, Tracking, Pulling, And Earth dog Trials. Then they are also trained in Obedience.

Game Time

08:29pm on Mar 28

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