LowKey Kennels

[Work In Progress; Looking for someone to hire to do art for this page. Thanks so much!] I'm a single mom, a college student, a home business owner, and I compete and train with my purebred Australian Shepherds in AKC sports. I'm very busy so this page will take me time! But I am on and off throughout the day so you're free to message me. I'm a laid back and approachable person so I don't mind questions and I will help where I can. I don't mind studding my males most of the time. Here and there I may have one that I will need a lot of help from within my own projects but I'll let you use most of them if you ask. I forget to keep putting them up for stud. I have a terrible memory problem. However, if I have an aged and locked dog that you ask to breed to, we agree on a day and I unlock him, you need to accept that day. If you do not, I will not unlock him a second day for you. Aged dogs have limited days left on them after all the months of work it took to level them. You need to please respect that. I gave up on selling puppies. People do not buy often and I cannot keep kennels full of locked dogs sitting around for weeks or months. If you're looking for something, let me know! I may have something breeding soon or may have a lot of something and can definitely help. My kennels are clearly labeled so it shouldn't be difficult to see what I have breeding soon. I AM LOOKING FOR THESE 24HH/EEEE/lala BREEDS (and prefer 4STAT dogs but may accept 3STAT dogs pending the stat, how easy it will be to correct, etc); I HAVE THESE BREEDS ALREADY; -- Affenpinscher (INT4) -- Aidi (AGI4) -- Airedale Terrier (STM4) -- Akita (INT4) -- Alaskan Malamute (AGI4) -- American Cocker Spaniel (STM4) -- American Pit Bull Terrier (CHA4) -- American Staffordshire Terrier (CHA4) -- -- American White Shepherd (INT4) -- Anatolian Shepherd (INT4) -- Australian Cattle Dog (INT4) -- Australian Shepherd (STM4) -- Azawakh Hound (AGI4) -- Basenji (AGI4) -- Beagle (SPD4) -- -- Belgian Malinois (INT4) -- Belgian Sheepdog (STR4) -- Belgian Tervuren (INT4) -- Berger Picard (INT4) -- Bernese Mountain Dog (STR4) -- -- Border Collie (STM4) -- Borzoi (STM4) -- Bouvier des Flandres (STR4) -- Boxer (INT4) -- Boykin Spaniel (INT4) (CHA4) -- -- Brussels Griffon (CHA4) -- Bull Terrier (STR4) -- Cane Corso (INT4) -- Caucasian Ovtcharka (INT4) -- Chihuahua (CHA4) -- -- Clumber Spaniel (STM4) -- Czechoslovakian Wolfdog (STM4) -- Dalmatian (AGI4) -- Doberman Pinscher (STR4) -- Dogo Argentino (INT4) -- English Mastiff (STR4) -- -- English Shepherd (INT4) -- Finnish Spitz (INT4) -- German Shepherd (STM4) -- German Wirehaired Pointer (STM4) -- Golden Retriever (CHA4) -- -- Great Dane (INT4) (STM4) -- Hovawart (INT4) -- Ibizan Hound (CHA4) (STM4) -- Irish Wolfhound (SPD) -- Japanese Spitz (INT4) -- Kerry Blue Terrier (STR4) -- -- Komondor (AGI4) -- Labrador Retriever (STM4) -- Large Munsterlander (STM4) -- Leonberger (INT4) -- Miniature Bull Terrier (INT4) -- -- Mudi (AGI4) -- Norwegian Lundehund (INT4) -- Norwegian Buhund (INT4) -- Old English Sheepdog (STM4) -- Papillon (INT4) -- Pembroke Welsh Corgi (AGI4) -- -- Pointer (STM4) -- Pomeranian (CHA4) -- Pug (STR4) -- Redbone Coonhound (STM4) -- Rottweiler (STR4) -- Rough Collie (STM4) (AGI4) -- Saluki (STM4) -- -- Shetland Sheepdog (AGI4) -- Siberian Husky (STR4) -- Silky Terrier (INT4) -- Sloughi (SPD) -- Smooth Fox Terrier (INT4) -- Staffordshire Bull Terrier (CHA4) -- Tibetan Mastiff (INT4) -- -- Toy Poodle (CHA4) -- Weimaraner (SPD4) -- Welsh Terrier (INT4) -- Xoloitzcuintle (AGI4) --

Game Time

08:21pm on Mar 28

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